Frecuencia de anomalías dentales de número en niños costarricenses atendidos en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Costa Rica
artículo original
Gutiérrez Marín, Natalia
López Soto, Andrea
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Las anomalías dentales pueden producir alteraciones de forma, número, tamaño y estructura
dental, afectando la función y la estética. El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar la frecuencia y
localización de anomalías dentales de número en niños sanos costarricenses entre los 6 y 12 años. Se
realizó un estudio observacional y retrospectivo con 157 radiografías panorámicas de los expedientes
de los pacientes de la Clínica de Odontopediatría y Ortodoncia de la Universidad de Costa Rica entre los
años 2015-2017; las anomalías que se observaron fueron hiperdoncias e hipodoncias. Los datos fueron
analizados utilizando la prueba de Fisher con un nivel de significancia del 5%. Se encontró un 8.3% de
anomalías de número, 4.5% fueron hiperdoncias y 3.8% hipodoncias, ambas anomalías se presentaron
tanto de forma única como doble o múltiple. No se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa
según el género. Las hiperdoncias fueron más comunes en maxila y las hipodoncias en mandíbula. Los
dientes supernumerarios más frecuentes fueron los mesiodens y las ausencias más recurrentes fueron
los segundos premolares inferiores.
Dental anomalies can produce alterations in dental shape, number, size, and structure, affecting function and aesthetics. The objective of this study is to determine the frequency and location of teeth number anomalies in healthy Costa Rican children between 6 and 12 years old. An observational and retrospective study was carried out with 157 panoramic radiographs of the patients of the pediatric dentistry and orthodontics clinic of the University of Costa Rica between the years 2015-2017. Hyperdontias and hypodontias were the anomalies observed. Data were analyzed using a Fisher exact test with a significance level of 5% . The results showed that the overall frequency of dental anomalies was 8.3%, 4.5% were hyperdontias and 3.8% hypodontias. Double or multiple hyperdontia and hypodontia were also found. The difference between sex was not significant (p= 0.145). Supernumeraries were more frequent in maxilla and hypodontias in mandible. Mesiodens was the most frequently found supernumerary teeth. Mandibular second premolars were the most commonly missing teeth.
Dental anomalies can produce alterations in dental shape, number, size, and structure, affecting function and aesthetics. The objective of this study is to determine the frequency and location of teeth number anomalies in healthy Costa Rican children between 6 and 12 years old. An observational and retrospective study was carried out with 157 panoramic radiographs of the patients of the pediatric dentistry and orthodontics clinic of the University of Costa Rica between the years 2015-2017. Hyperdontias and hypodontias were the anomalies observed. Data were analyzed using a Fisher exact test with a significance level of 5% . The results showed that the overall frequency of dental anomalies was 8.3%, 4.5% were hyperdontias and 3.8% hypodontias. Double or multiple hyperdontia and hypodontia were also found. The difference between sex was not significant (p= 0.145). Supernumeraries were more frequent in maxilla and hypodontias in mandible. Mesiodens was the most frequently found supernumerary teeth. Mandibular second premolars were the most commonly missing teeth.
Palabras clave
Anomalías dentarias/epidemiología, Anomalías dentarias/diagnóstico por imagen, Diente supernumerario, Hipodoncia