Discriminación percibida y autoestima en jóvenes de grupos minoritarios y mayoritarios en Costa Rica
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Smith Castro, Vanessa
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Utilizando las técnicas de los Modelos de Ecuaciones Estructurales, el presente estudio examina un modelo teórico sobre el efecto de la discriminación percibida, el contacto interétnico, la identificación étnica y las actitudes interétnicas en la autoestima de jóvenes costarricenses de diferentes grupos étnicos. En la investigación participaron 407 jóvenes afrocostarricenses (M=16.27 años, DE=1.58; 58% mujeres) y 768 jóvenes del grupo mayoritario costarricense blancos/mestizo (M=15.93 años, DE=1.48; 60% mujeres) provenientes de dos ciudades de diferente composición étnica. Los resultados son altamente consistentes con el modelo propuesto indicando que la autoestima se ve directamente afectada por la identificación étnica y las actitudes interétnicas en ambos grupos étnicos. Estas, a su vez, están directamente influenciadas por la percepción de la discriminación y el contacto interétnico. Diferencias y similitudes entre los grupos étnicos son analizadas y discutidas.
Structural Equation Modeling was used to test a model predicting the effect of perceived ethnic discrimination, interethnic contact, ethnic identification and interethnic attitudes on self-esteem among Costa Rican adolescents from different ethnic groups. Participants were 407 Afro-Costa Ricans (M = 16.27 years, SD= 1.58; 58% women) and 768 majority adolescents (M = 15.93 years, SD = 1.48; 60% women) from two cities with different ethnic composition. Results are highly consistent with the proposed model showing that self-esteem is directly influenced by ethnic identification and interethnic attitudes across ethnic groups. Ethnic identification and interethnic contact are in turn influenced by both perceived ethnic discrimination and interethnic contact. Differences and similarities across ethnic groups are analyzed and discussed.
Structural Equation Modeling was used to test a model predicting the effect of perceived ethnic discrimination, interethnic contact, ethnic identification and interethnic attitudes on self-esteem among Costa Rican adolescents from different ethnic groups. Participants were 407 Afro-Costa Ricans (M = 16.27 years, SD= 1.58; 58% women) and 768 majority adolescents (M = 15.93 years, SD = 1.48; 60% women) from two cities with different ethnic composition. Results are highly consistent with the proposed model showing that self-esteem is directly influenced by ethnic identification and interethnic attitudes across ethnic groups. Ethnic identification and interethnic contact are in turn influenced by both perceived ethnic discrimination and interethnic contact. Differences and similarities across ethnic groups are analyzed and discussed.
Palabras clave
Autoestima, Discriminación, Identidad étnica, Actitudes étnicas o raciales, Costa Rica, Self-esteem, Discrimination, Ethnic identity, Racial and ethnic attitudes