Evaluación de (in)justicia distributiva en jóvenes de Centroamérica
artículo original
García Castro, Juan Diego
Venegas Márquez, Martín
Ramírez Cardoza, Lorenzo
Robles Rivera, Francisco
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Centroamérica es una región caracterizada por la extrema
desigualdad. En este estudio pionero en su campo, analizamos cómo
1501 jóvenes centroamericanos/as entre los 14 y 24 años (M=18,7,-
DE=3,1, 53,3% mujeres) evalúan la injusticia de la desigualdad en su
país y qué predictores pueden explicar estas valoraciones. Con un
diseño exploratorio y descriptivo, encontramos que donde menos
se percibe la desigualdad como injusta es en Nicaragua y Costa
Rica, seguido de Honduras y donde más injusta se considera es en
Guatemala y El Salvador. Dentro de los predictores que aumentan
la evaluación de justicia destaca la confianza en las instituciones y
dentro de los que disminuyen dicha evaluación resaltan la falta de
dinero para pagar la comida y la casa.
Central America is a region characterized by extreme inequality. In this pioneering study, we analyze how 1,501 young Central Americans between the ages of 14 and 24 (M=18.7, SD=3.1, 53.3% women) evaluate the distributive justice of inequality in their country and what predictors can explain these evaluations. With an exploratory and descriptive design, we find that where inequality is least perceived as unfair is in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, followed by Honduras. It is considered most unfair in Guatemala and El Salvador. Among the predictors that increase the evaluation of justice, trust in institutions stands out, and among those that decrease this evalua tion, the lack of money to pay for food and housing stands out.
Central America is a region characterized by extreme inequality. In this pioneering study, we analyze how 1,501 young Central Americans between the ages of 14 and 24 (M=18.7, SD=3.1, 53.3% women) evaluate the distributive justice of inequality in their country and what predictors can explain these evaluations. With an exploratory and descriptive design, we find that where inequality is least perceived as unfair is in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, followed by Honduras. It is considered most unfair in Guatemala and El Salvador. Among the predictors that increase the evaluation of justice, trust in institutions stands out, and among those that decrease this evalua tion, the lack of money to pay for food and housing stands out.
Palabras clave
CENTROAMÉRICA, desigualdad, justicia distributiva, Jóvenes, Ciencia abierta