Gestión estratégica de la diplomacia digital en torno al proceso post-adhesión de Costa Rica a la OCDE
tesis de maestría
Carvajal Monge, Melisa Patricia
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Con el fin de convertirse en miembro de la OCDE, Costa Rica se sometió a varios
cambios en materias tan diversas de la Administración Pública como la contratación
pública, los procesos logísticos y la simplificación de trámites, entre otros.
Habiéndose sumado a la membrecía de la Organización en mayo de 2021, esto
conducirá a múltiples revisiones técnicas, post adhesión, por parte de los expertos
de la OCDE y los comités técnicos encargados de recabar información de Costa
Rica mediante cuestionarios y misiones de estudio.
En tal sentido, el presente trabajo propone demostrar la importancia del uso y
gestión estratégica de las herramientas tecnológicas con el fin de cumplir con los
compromisos adquiridos y exigencias técnicas ante la OCDE.
To become a member of the OECD, Costa Rica underwent several changes in such diverse areas of Public Administration as public procurement, logistics processes and the simplification of procedures, among others. Having joined the membership of the Organization in May 2021, this will lead to multiple technical reviews, post accession, by the OECD experts and the technical committees in charge of collecting information from Costa Rica through questionnaires and study missions. In this sense, the present work proposes to demonstrate the use and strategic management of technological tools to comply with the commitments acquired and technical requirements before the OECD.
To become a member of the OECD, Costa Rica underwent several changes in such diverse areas of Public Administration as public procurement, logistics processes and the simplification of procedures, among others. Having joined the membership of the Organization in May 2021, this will lead to multiple technical reviews, post accession, by the OECD experts and the technical committees in charge of collecting information from Costa Rica through questionnaires and study missions. In this sense, the present work proposes to demonstrate the use and strategic management of technological tools to comply with the commitments acquired and technical requirements before the OECD.
Palabras clave
OCDE, COSTA RICA, Gestión estratégica, Herramientas tecnológicas