Mujeres cineastas costarricenses, su experiencia en la creación de producciones cinematográficas (2000-2021)
artículo original
Jiménez Bonilla, Mariana
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Desde el año 2000 el cine costarricense ha incrementado la cantidad de producciones y las mujeres cineastas han jugado un papel protagónico en su desarrollo e impulso, pues al menos en el puesto de dirección son una mayoría en el país. Esta investigación histórica, consiste en analizar la participación y experiencia de las mujeres cineastas costarricenses como trabajadoras en las producciones cinematográficas desde el 2000 al 2021. El caso costarricense rompe con una característica que ha dominado el cine a nivel mundial: este ha sido dominado por hombres, y a pesar de que han existido mujeres cineastas, a estas se les invisibiliza; lo que hace que queden en el olvido. Además, deja ver que las mujeres han tenido que luchar por un espacio audiovisual dentro de la industria del cine a nivel global, ya que esta,al igual que otros ámbitos,ha sido históricamente dominada por hombres.
Since the year 2000, Costa Rican cinema has increased the number of productions and women filmmakers have played a leading role in its development and promotion, given that they hold the majority of jobs as directors in the country. This historical investigation consists of analyzing the participation and experience of Costa Rican women filmmakers as workers in film productions from 2000 to 2021. The Costa Rican case breaks with a characteristic that has prevailed in the cinematographic world: it has been dominated by men, and even though there have been women filmmakers, they have been made invisible, which causes them to be forgotten. In addition, it shows that women have had to fight for an audiovisual space within the global film industry, which, like other fields, has historically been controlled by men.
Since the year 2000, Costa Rican cinema has increased the number of productions and women filmmakers have played a leading role in its development and promotion, given that they hold the majority of jobs as directors in the country. This historical investigation consists of analyzing the participation and experience of Costa Rican women filmmakers as workers in film productions from 2000 to 2021. The Costa Rican case breaks with a characteristic that has prevailed in the cinematographic world: it has been dominated by men, and even though there have been women filmmakers, they have been made invisible, which causes them to be forgotten. In addition, it shows that women have had to fight for an audiovisual space within the global film industry, which, like other fields, has historically been controlled by men.
Palabras clave
cine, mujeres, historia, género, testimonios, cinema, women, history, gender, testimonials