Programa de enfermería en salud laboral para la promoción de condiciones psicosociales saludables con relación a la carga mental en las personas trabajadoras de la unidad de adquisiciones de la oficina de suministros de la Universidad de Costa Rica
tesis de maestría
Marín Hoffman, Alejandra
Gamboa Saborío, Jorge David
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El trabajo está dado como un derecho, una condición que debe propiciar el desarrollo de las potencialidades de la persona trabajadora y un medio para aportar a la sociedad sin detrimento del bienestar y la salud. La promoción de la salud en el trabajo contribuye al logro de entornos laborales saludables y la carga mental es una variable psicosocial del trabajo, que bajo las modalidades de infra o sobrecarga, tienen efectos negativos para la persona trabajadora y la organización.
Objetivo: Desarrollar un programa de Enfermería en Salud Laboral para la promoción de condiciones psicosociales saludables con relación a la carga mental de las personas trabajadoras en la Unidad de Adquisiciones de la Oficina de Suministros de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Metodología: Se realizó un proyecto de investigación, por tanto, conlleva el diagnóstico de un problema, su análisis y la determinación de los medios válidos para resolverlo e implementarlo para cumplir con lo que indica la investigación aplicada o práctica. Se utilizaron tres técnicas para la recolección de datos: a) Escala Subjetiva de Carga Mental de Trabajo (ESCAM) de Díaz Cabrera, Rolo González y Hernández Fernaud (2009) la cual completaron 16 personas, b) Cuestionario sobre Estrés, Vivencia y Trabajo, basado en el Modelo de Sistemas de Betty Neuman, de Marín, Gamboa, Garro y Herrera (2015), respondido por 13 personas y c) Entrevista cualitativa, con 7 participantes. Su resultado y análisis con base en la teoría de carga mental en el trabajo y el Modelo de Sistemas de la enfermera Betty Neuman fundamentó el diseño del Programa de Enfermería en Salud Laboral “Generando bienestar entre bienes y servicios”. Resultados: Se implementó el Programa en Enfermería de Salud Laboral “Generando bienestar entre bienes y servicios”, mediante metodología Taller, constó de ocho sesiones de dos horas y una participación promedio de siete personas. Conclusiones: Las dimensiones de mayor vulnerabilidad son: “Demandas cognitivas y complejidad de la tarea”, “Características de la tarea” y “Consecuencias para la salud” con percepciones de carga “media-alta a muy alta”. Repercusiones sobre la salud mental, síntomas físicos y enfermedad son referidas como consecuencias del estrés que experimentan las personas trabajadoras de la Unidad de Adquisiciones. El lugar de trabajo es un espacio prioritario para la promoción de la salud y el bienestar. La promoción de prácticas saludables y seguras, la previsión, la atención oportuna, el monitoreo permanente del entorno laboral propician que la tarea y el entorno tengan un impacto positivo en las personas trabajadoras y es beneficioso para la organización. Promover un clima satisfactorio es un elemento que fortalece la cultura de las organizaciones que promueven la salud en sus lugares de trabajo.
Work is given as a right, a condition that should foster the development of the potential of the working person and a means to contribute to society without a detriment to welfare and health. The promotion of health at work contributes to the achievement of healthy workplace environments and the mental burden is a psychosocial variable of work, which under the modalities of under or overload, has negative effects for the worker and the organization. Objective: Developing a Nursing program in Occupational Health for the promotion of healthy psychosocial conditions in relation to the mental burden of working people in the Procurement Unit of the Office of Supplies of the University of Costa Rica (Unidad de Adquisiciones de la Oficina de Suministros de la Universidad de Costa Rica). Methodology: A research project was carried out, therefore, it involves the diagnosis of a problem, its analysis and the determination of valid means to solve it; and implementing it to comply with what the applied or practical research indicates. Three techniques were used for data collection: a) Subjective Scale of Mental Workload (ESCAM) of Díaz Cabrera, Rolo González and Hernández Fernaud (2009) which involved 16 people, b) Questionnaire on Stress, Experience and Work, based on the Betty Neuman Systems Model, by Marín, Gamboa, Garro and Herrera (2015), answered by 13 people and c) Qualitative interview, with 7 participants. Its result and analysis based on the theory of mental load at work and the System Model of the nurse Betty Neuman set the base for the design of the Nursing in Occupational Health Program "Generating wellbeing between goods and services". Results: The Occupational Health Nursing Program “Generating wellbeing between goods and services” was implemented, through Workshop-methodology, which consisted of eight sessions of two hours each and an average participation of seven people. Conclusion: The dimensions of greatest vulnerability are: "Cognitive demands and complexity of the task", "Characteristics of the task" and "Health consequences" with perceptions of "medium-high to very-high" load. Repercussions on mental health, physical symptoms and illness are referred as consequences of the stress experienced by workers in the Procurement Unit. The workplace is a priority instance for the promotion of health and well-being. The promotion of healthy and safe practices, prevision, timely attention and permanent monitoring of the work environment allow the task and the environment to have a positive impact on working people and that benefits the organization. Promoting a satisfactory climate is an element that strengthens the culture of organizations that promote health in their workplaces.
Work is given as a right, a condition that should foster the development of the potential of the working person and a means to contribute to society without a detriment to welfare and health. The promotion of health at work contributes to the achievement of healthy workplace environments and the mental burden is a psychosocial variable of work, which under the modalities of under or overload, has negative effects for the worker and the organization. Objective: Developing a Nursing program in Occupational Health for the promotion of healthy psychosocial conditions in relation to the mental burden of working people in the Procurement Unit of the Office of Supplies of the University of Costa Rica (Unidad de Adquisiciones de la Oficina de Suministros de la Universidad de Costa Rica). Methodology: A research project was carried out, therefore, it involves the diagnosis of a problem, its analysis and the determination of valid means to solve it; and implementing it to comply with what the applied or practical research indicates. Three techniques were used for data collection: a) Subjective Scale of Mental Workload (ESCAM) of Díaz Cabrera, Rolo González and Hernández Fernaud (2009) which involved 16 people, b) Questionnaire on Stress, Experience and Work, based on the Betty Neuman Systems Model, by Marín, Gamboa, Garro and Herrera (2015), answered by 13 people and c) Qualitative interview, with 7 participants. Its result and analysis based on the theory of mental load at work and the System Model of the nurse Betty Neuman set the base for the design of the Nursing in Occupational Health Program "Generating wellbeing between goods and services". Results: The Occupational Health Nursing Program “Generating wellbeing between goods and services” was implemented, through Workshop-methodology, which consisted of eight sessions of two hours each and an average participation of seven people. Conclusion: The dimensions of greatest vulnerability are: "Cognitive demands and complexity of the task", "Characteristics of the task" and "Health consequences" with perceptions of "medium-high to very-high" load. Repercussions on mental health, physical symptoms and illness are referred as consequences of the stress experienced by workers in the Procurement Unit. The workplace is a priority instance for the promotion of health and well-being. The promotion of healthy and safe practices, prevision, timely attention and permanent monitoring of the work environment allow the task and the environment to have a positive impact on working people and that benefits the organization. Promoting a satisfactory climate is an element that strengthens the culture of organizations that promote health in their workplaces.
Palabras clave
Enfermería, Carga mental, Salud laboral, Salud, Psicosocial, Escala Subjetiva de Carga Mental en el Trabajo, Betty Neuman, Estrés, Trabajo