Caracterización de la Colección de Germoplas- ma de Mango (Mangifera indica) de la EEFBM
artículo original
Vargas, Marlen
Quesada Rojas, Patricia
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Universidad de Costa Rica
En la Estación Experimental Fabio Baudrit M., en 1993, se sembró una colección de germoplasma de mango, utilizando distancias de siembra reducidas con la finalidad de rejuvenecerla y disminuir los costos de mantenimiento. Se sembraron cuatro árboles de cada una de las 47 variedades, en un sistema en cuadro a 7 x 7 metros. A los 6 años de edad de la colección, se realizó una caracterización cualitativa y cuantitativa de los frutos, utilizando cinco frutos por introducción. Las características cualitativas medidas fueron: color de la pulpa y de la cáscara, textura y firmeza de la pulpa y forma, aroma y jugosidad del fruto. Las características cuantitativas medidas fueron: longitud, diámetro, peso y grados Brix de los frutos. Se encontró gran variabilidad en todas las características analizadas y se pudo observar que un buen número de variedades reúnen los requisitos de exportación como son su peso (300-750 g), bajo contenido de fibra, forma redondeada, color de pulpa anaranjado y color de cáscara de rojo a morado. Este hecho es de gran importancia ya que esta colección suple buena parte del germoplasma que sustenta la producción de manto en Costa Rica.
A rejuvenized collection of mango germplasm was planted at the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station in 1992,reducing the planting distances with the purpose of lessening maintenance costs. Four trees of each of the forty seven varieties were planted, using a square system with distances of 7 x 7 m. When the collection was six years old, a qualitative and quantitative characterization of the fruits was conducted, using five fruits per introduction. The qualitative characteristics measured were: pulp and rind color, pulp texture and firmness, shape, aroma and juiciness of the fruit. The quantitative characteristics measured were: length, diameter, weight and Brix degrees of the fruits. Agreat variability was found among all the characteristics measured, and it was observed that a great number of varieties met the export requirements like weight (300-750g), low fiber content, round shape, orange pulp color and red to purple rind colour. This fact is very important since this collection largely supplies the germplasm that sustains mango production in Costa Rica.
A rejuvenized collection of mango germplasm was planted at the Fabio Baudrit Experiment Station in 1992,reducing the planting distances with the purpose of lessening maintenance costs. Four trees of each of the forty seven varieties were planted, using a square system with distances of 7 x 7 m. When the collection was six years old, a qualitative and quantitative characterization of the fruits was conducted, using five fruits per introduction. The qualitative characteristics measured were: pulp and rind color, pulp texture and firmness, shape, aroma and juiciness of the fruit. The quantitative characteristics measured were: length, diameter, weight and Brix degrees of the fruits. Agreat variability was found among all the characteristics measured, and it was observed that a great number of varieties met the export requirements like weight (300-750g), low fiber content, round shape, orange pulp color and red to purple rind colour. This fact is very important since this collection largely supplies the germplasm that sustains mango production in Costa Rica.
Palabras clave
Características agronómicas, Mangifera indica, colección de plantas, arboretos, recursos genéticos, Costa Rica, Agronomic characters, Mangifera indica, plant collections, arboreta, genetic resources, Costa Rica