Lipoma en lengua: Reporte de caso y revisión de literatura
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Boza Oreamuno, Yadira Vanessa
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Introducción: el lipoma es la neoplasia mesenquimal benigna más común de los tejidos blandos, está compuesto por células adiposas, es sumamente raro en la cavidad oral. Los lipomas intraorales generalmente se manifiestan como nódulos submucosos, blandos a la palpación, bien circunscritos, móviles, de color amarillento, de crecimiento lento y están cubiertas por mucosa intacta. El curso clínico de los lipomas orales es generalmente asintomático hasta que alcanzan un tamaño apreciable y causan síntomas. La eliminación quirúrgica es el tratamiento de elección. Rara vez se observan recurrencias. Reporte de caso: se presenta el caso de un hombre de 34 años que presentó en borde lateral izquierdo de lengua un lipoma de 3 cm de diámetro, con evolución de dos años, que gradualmente progresó hasta producir incomodidad para comer y hablar. Se le realizó remoción quirúrgica y seguimiento durante 6 meses sin evidencia de recidiva, sin pérdida de las funciones sensoriales o motoras de la lengua. Conclusiones: a pesar de su baja incidencia dentro de las lesiones benignas de tejido conjuntivo, el lipoma debe ser considerado dentro de los posibles diagnósticos diferenciales cuando existan lesiones nodulares de los tejidos blandos en cavidad oral. Es de suma importancia que los odontólogos se familiaricen con los aspectos clínicos de esta lesión.
Introduction: lipoma is the most common benign mesenchymal neoplasm of the soft tissues, it is composed of fat cells, it is extremely rare in the oral cavity. Intraoral lipomas generally manifest as submucosal nodules, soft on palpation, well circumscribed, motile, yellowish, slowgrowing and covered by intact mucosa. The clinical course of oral lipomas is usually asymptomatic until they reach an appreciable size and cause symptoms. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice and recurrence is not expected. Case report: 34-year-old man who presented a lipoma 3 cm in diameter on the left lateral margin of the tongue, with evolution of two years, which gradually progressed to produce discomfort for eating and talking. Surgical removal and follow-up were performed for 6 months without evidence of recurrence, without loss of sensory or motor functions of the tongue. Conclusions: despite its low incidence within benign connective tissue lesions, the lipoma must be considered within the possible differential diagnoses when there are nodular lesions of the soft tissues in the oral cavity. It is of utmost importance that dentists become familiar with the clinical aspects of this injury.
Introduction: lipoma is the most common benign mesenchymal neoplasm of the soft tissues, it is composed of fat cells, it is extremely rare in the oral cavity. Intraoral lipomas generally manifest as submucosal nodules, soft on palpation, well circumscribed, motile, yellowish, slowgrowing and covered by intact mucosa. The clinical course of oral lipomas is usually asymptomatic until they reach an appreciable size and cause symptoms. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice and recurrence is not expected. Case report: 34-year-old man who presented a lipoma 3 cm in diameter on the left lateral margin of the tongue, with evolution of two years, which gradually progressed to produce discomfort for eating and talking. Surgical removal and follow-up were performed for 6 months without evidence of recurrence, without loss of sensory or motor functions of the tongue. Conclusions: despite its low incidence within benign connective tissue lesions, the lipoma must be considered within the possible differential diagnoses when there are nodular lesions of the soft tissues in the oral cavity. It is of utmost importance that dentists become familiar with the clinical aspects of this injury.
Palabras clave
Lipoma, Tumor benigno, Tumor lingual, Lipoma lingual, Benign tumor, Lingual tumor, Lingual lipoma