Elastosis en la Queilitis actínica: Revisión de literatura
artículo original
Boza Oreamuno, Yadira Vanessa
Rojas Rudolph, Gina Isolde
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La matriz extracelular (MEC) juega un papel importante en la regulación de los eventos biológicos,
tales como, el desarrollo de la migración celular, proliferación y diferenciación. La exposición crónica
a la luz ultravioleta (UV) provoca elastosis (en distintos grados), que corresponde a una degeneración
basófila de la MEC. La queilitis actínica (QA) es una lesión potencialmente maligna del labio inducida por
la exposición regular y prolongada a la luz UV, que afecta principalmente al bermellón del labio inferior.
Las lesiones de QA tienen un estroma complejo, se observa siempre la presencia de elastosis, infiltrado
inflamatorio crónico de distinta intensidad y la aparición de vasos sanguíneos telangiectásicos. Dentro
de este infiltrado inflamatorio se ha descrito un aumento significativo de mastocitos (MCs), localizados
especialmente alrededor de las zonas de elastosis y en la zona subepitelial. Se ha propuesto que la
elastosis actínica se produce tanto por procesos degenerativos como de síntesis anormal de fibras
elásticas por parte de fibroblastos con daño solar, lo que va acompañado de cambios morfológicos del
colágeno. A pesar de que el fibroblasto tendría un rol preponderante en la formación de la elastosis
actínica, diversos estudios sugieren que otros tipos celulares como el MC también contribuirían en forma
significativa al daño actínico de la MEC. El propósito de esta revisión es analizar las características de
la elastosis en la QA.
The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays an important role in the regulation of biological events, such as cell migration, proliferation and differentiation. Chronic exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light causes elastosis (to varying degrees), which corresponds to a basophilic degeneration of the ECM. Actinic cheilitis (AC) is a potentially malignant lip lesion induced by regular and prolonged exposure to UV light, which mainly affects the vermilion. AC lesions have a complex stroma characterized by the presence of elastosis, chronic inflammatory infiltrate of different intensity and the appearance of telangiectatic blood vessels. Within this inflammatory infiltrate a significant increase of mast cells (MCs) has been described, located especially around areas of elastosis and at the subepithelial zone. It has been proposed that actinic elastosis is produced both, by degenerative processes and by abnormal synthesis of elastic fibers by photodamaged fibroblasts, which is accompanied by morphological changes in collagen. Although the fibroblast would play a major role in actinic elastosis formation, several studies suggest that other cell types such as MCs also contribute significantly to actinic ECM damage. The purpose of this review is to discuss the characteristics of elastosis in AC.
The extracellular matrix (ECM) plays an important role in the regulation of biological events, such as cell migration, proliferation and differentiation. Chronic exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light causes elastosis (to varying degrees), which corresponds to a basophilic degeneration of the ECM. Actinic cheilitis (AC) is a potentially malignant lip lesion induced by regular and prolonged exposure to UV light, which mainly affects the vermilion. AC lesions have a complex stroma characterized by the presence of elastosis, chronic inflammatory infiltrate of different intensity and the appearance of telangiectatic blood vessels. Within this inflammatory infiltrate a significant increase of mast cells (MCs) has been described, located especially around areas of elastosis and at the subepithelial zone. It has been proposed that actinic elastosis is produced both, by degenerative processes and by abnormal synthesis of elastic fibers by photodamaged fibroblasts, which is accompanied by morphological changes in collagen. Although the fibroblast would play a major role in actinic elastosis formation, several studies suggest that other cell types such as MCs also contribute significantly to actinic ECM damage. The purpose of this review is to discuss the characteristics of elastosis in AC.
Palabras clave
Queilitis actínica, Elastosis actínica, Daño solar, Labio, Mastocito, Actinic cheilitis, Actinic elastosis, Photodamage, Lip, Mast cell