Calidad de vida en pacientes costarricenses con tumores cerebrales: aportes de la neuropsicología
artículo original
Salazar Villanea, Mónica
Ortega Araya, Luis Enrique
Ortiz Álvarez, Jorge Isaac
Esquivel Miranda, Miguel Ángel
Vindas Montoya, Rocío
Montero Vega, Ana Patricia
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Resumen. Se describe una experiencia clínico-formativa en el ámbito hospitalario, donde destacan los aportes de la neuropsicología en la atención multidisciplinaria a pacientes con tumores cerebrales. Se ejemplifican cuatro casos atendidos en el Servicio de Neurocirugía del Hospital México en Costa Rica, a quienes se les realizó una valoración neuropsicológica como parte del protocolo de atención en cirugía de resección tumoral. Se documenta una leve pero consistente tendencia a la mejoría en los rendimientos tras la intervención neuroquirúrgica de los casos reportados, evidenciando, también, las secuelas neurocognitivas y emocionales que permanecen e impactan directamente la calidad de vida. Se discute sobre los retos asociados a la expectativa sanitaria de prolongación de la vida pero preservando su calidad y funcionalidad.
Abstract. The systematization of a clinical and educational experience in a hospital setting shows evidence of the neuropsychological contributions to the multidisciplinary care for patients with brain tumors. Four cases of people diagnosed with brain tumors are exemplified. The patients were treated at the Neurosurgical Unit at the Hospital Mexico, Costa Rica. Each patient underwent neuropsychological evaluations as part of the established protocol for neurosurgical interventions.Results showed a slight yet consistent trend of cognitive performance improvement after each surgery, and identified residual neurocognitive consequences that would have a direct impact on the patients quality of life. This paper discusses the challenges associated with health expectancy of prolonging life while preserving its quality and functionality.
Abstract. The systematization of a clinical and educational experience in a hospital setting shows evidence of the neuropsychological contributions to the multidisciplinary care for patients with brain tumors. Four cases of people diagnosed with brain tumors are exemplified. The patients were treated at the Neurosurgical Unit at the Hospital Mexico, Costa Rica. Each patient underwent neuropsychological evaluations as part of the established protocol for neurosurgical interventions.Results showed a slight yet consistent trend of cognitive performance improvement after each surgery, and identified residual neurocognitive consequences that would have a direct impact on the patients quality of life. This paper discusses the challenges associated with health expectancy of prolonging life while preserving its quality and functionality.
Palabras clave
Neuropsicología, Tumor cerebral, Neurocirugía, Calidad de vida, Evaluación, Déficits neuropsicológicos, Rehabilitación cognitiva