Propuesta de metodología de análisis de territorios según indicadores socioeconómicos y de exportación en los cantones de San Carlos, Guatuso, Upala, Los Chiles, Pococí, Siquirres y Guácimo, 2011-2019
Alonso Ubieta, Suyen
Fonseca Dover, María
Martínez Tencio, Gregory
Vargas Montoya, Luis Alfredo
Solano Ruiz, Jorge
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El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer una metodología para el análisis de territorios a partir de sus recursos que permita un mayor aprovechamiento de su potencial exportador y, a partir de ello, propiciar procesos de desarrollo local. Para su definición y conceptualización se realiza una revisión de la literatura de los enfoques teórico-metodológicos disponibles, así como fuentes primarias y secundarias para ubicar los datos estadísticos. En cuanto al método empleado, la propuesta se construye a partir de 3 ejes centrales (productivo y comercio exterior, capital físico y capital natural, institucional y capital social), los cuales a su vez agruparon 29 indicadores socioeconómicos e institucionales. Posteriormente, se realizan las estadísticas según los ejes propuestos, para seleccionar las regiones de planificación en las que se realizará el análisis. Con esta identificación, se procede a interpretar las estadísticas descriptivas según los pilares en cada territorio seleccionado: San Carlos, Guatuso, Upala, Los Chiles, Pococí, Siquirres y Guácimo. Tras el análisis anterior se arriban a dos conclusiones: a) si existen enfoques teóricos y metodológicos que permiten el análisis de los territorios desde el desarrollo local, existe un vacío metodológico para vincular el desarrollo local desde el potencial de productivo y de exportación de los territorios; b) tras el análisis de estadísticas regionales, en la mayoría de los cantones en estudio, pese a las ventajas de localización, dotación factorial y potencial competitivo, la pobreza atacada y merma su desarrollo y potencial.
This working paper proposes a methodology territory based on their resources that allow greater use of their export potential and, based on this, promote local development processes. To achieve it, a literature review of the available theoretical-methodological approaches was carried out. This activity also allows us to identify statistical primary and secondary sources. Regarding the method used, the proposal is built from 3 central axes (production and foreign trade, physical capital and natural capital, institutional and social capital), which in turn grouped 29 socio-economic and institutional indicators. Subsequently, statistical estimates are made according to the proposed axes, to select the planning regions in which the analysis would be carried out. With this identification, the descriptive statistics are interpreted according to the pillars in each selected territory: San Carlos, Guatuso, Upala, Los Chiles, Pococí, Siquirres, and Guácimo. After the previous analysis, two conclusions are reached: a) although there are theoretical and methodological approaches that allow the analysis of territories from local development, there is a methodological gap to link local development from the productive and export potential of the territories; b) After the analysis of regional statistics, in most of the cantons understudy, despite the advantages of location, factor endowment and competitive potential, poverty attacks and reduces their development and potential.
This working paper proposes a methodology territory based on their resources that allow greater use of their export potential and, based on this, promote local development processes. To achieve it, a literature review of the available theoretical-methodological approaches was carried out. This activity also allows us to identify statistical primary and secondary sources. Regarding the method used, the proposal is built from 3 central axes (production and foreign trade, physical capital and natural capital, institutional and social capital), which in turn grouped 29 socio-economic and institutional indicators. Subsequently, statistical estimates are made according to the proposed axes, to select the planning regions in which the analysis would be carried out. With this identification, the descriptive statistics are interpreted according to the pillars in each selected territory: San Carlos, Guatuso, Upala, Los Chiles, Pococí, Siquirres, and Guácimo. After the previous analysis, two conclusions are reached: a) although there are theoretical and methodological approaches that allow the analysis of territories from local development, there is a methodological gap to link local development from the productive and export potential of the territories; b) After the analysis of regional statistics, in most of the cantons understudy, despite the advantages of location, factor endowment and competitive potential, poverty attacks and reduces their development and potential.
Palabras clave
Competitividad, Desarrollo local, Desarrollo de los recursos, Estadísticas económica, Factores de producción, análisis de territorios, indicadores socioeconómicos, indicadores de exportación, San Carlos, Guatuso, Upala, Los Chiles, Pococí, Siquirres, Guácimo, Competitiveness, Local development, Resources development, Economic statistics, Production factors