Conocimiento, actitudes y prácticas sobre la notificación de reacciones adversas a medicamentos por parte del personal sanitario en el Área de Salud de Pérez Zeledón, en el periodo comprendido entre junio a julio del 2020
tesis de maestría
Arroyo Gutiérrez, Marianela
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La farmacovigilancia es una ciencia destinada a detectar, evaluar, comprender y prevenir cualquier riesgo que pueden sufrir los pacientes al utilizar medicamentos y sobre todo aquellos posibles eventos adversos durante la fase posterior a la comercialización del mismo. Ante esto, la subnotificación de reacciones adversas a medicamentos es una causa importante de preocupación y una amenaza para los sistemas de farmacovigilancia y la salud pública.
La presente investigación analizó el nivel de conocimiento, actitudes y prácticas sobre la notificación de sospechas de reacciones adversas a medicamentos en el personal sanitario del Área de Salud de Pérez Zeledón, el periodo comprendido entre junio a julio del 2020. Para esto se diseñó un cuestionario que obtuvo un total de 138 respuestas, lo que representa un 73% de la población inicialmente contactada.
Entre los resultados más importantes se destaca que la mayoría de la población en estudio ha escuchado el término de farmacovigilancia (n = 132, 95,7%) y reacción adversa a medicamentos (n = 135, 97,8%). Sin embargo, cerca de la mitad indica no saber qué es Noti-FACEDRA, ni conoce el Reglamento de Buenas Prácticas en Farmacovigilancia (n = 68, 49,3% y n = 51, 37%, respectivamente). Por otro lado, y de suma importancia para el Área de Salud de Pérez Zeledón, más de dos tercios de los funcionarios de salud participantes refirió no haber recibido capacitación en el tema desde que inició sus labores en este centro de trabajo (n = 93, 67,4%).
Se evidenció una actitud positiva de los participantes hacia el reporte de sospechas de reacciones adversas a medicamentos. Sin embargo, un número considerable no sabe cómo realizar un reporte de estas sospechas (n = 80, 57,9%), consideran que es poco promovida en el país (n = 43, 41,1%), genera trabajo extra (n = 52, 32,6%) y no lo consideran un proceso sencillo (n = 32, 23,2%).
Sobre las prácticas relacionadas con el reporte de sospechas de reacciones adversas, cerca de tres cuartos de los participantes han identificado alguna reacción adversa en un paciente (n = 101, 73%) y, de ellos un 85% (n = 86) ha realizado el correspondiente reporte.
En general, este estudio demuestra que el personal sanitario del Área de Salud de Pérez Zeledón es consciente de la importancia de reportar las posibles reacciones adversas a medicamentos en sus pacientes. Sin embargo, es necesario aumentar su conocimiento sobre el tema y estandarizar los procesos para garantizar la adecuada implementación del sistema de notificación.
Pharmacovigilance is a science aimed at detecting, evaluating, understanding, and preventing any risk that patients may suffer when using drugs and especially those possible adverse events during the post-marketing phase. Given this, underreporting of adverse drug reactions is a major cause of concern and a threat to pharmacovigilance systems and public health. The present investigation analyzed the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding the notification of adverse reactions to medications in the health personnel of the Pérez Zeledón Health Area, the period from June to July 2020. For this, a total of 138 responses to the designed questionnaire were obtained, which represents 73% of the contacted population. Among the most important results, it stands out that most of the study population has heard of the term pharmacovigilance (n = 132, 95.7%) and adverse drug reaction (n = 135, 97.8%). However, nearly half of the population indicates they do not know what Noti-FACEDRA is, or they do not know the Regulation in Pharmacovigilance Good Practices (n = 68, 49.3% and n = 51, 37%, respectively). On the other hand, and of utmost importance for the Pérez Zeledón Health Area, more than two-thirds of the participating health officials reported not having received training on the subject since they started working there (n = 93, 67.4%). A positive attitude towards reporting suspected adverse drug reactions was evidenced. However, a considerable number of participants do not know how to report (n = 80, 57.9%), and consider that reporting is little promoted in the country (n = 43, 41.1%), generates extra work (n = 52, 32.6%) and do not consider it an easy process (n = 32, 23.2%), n = 76 (55.1%). Regarding the practices related to the reporting of suspected adverse reactions, about three quarters of participants have identified an adverse reaction in a patient (n = 101, 73%); of them, 85% (n = 86) have completed the corresponding report. In general, this study shows that participant healthcare personnel from the Pérez Zeledón Health Area is aware of the importance of reporting possible adverse reactions to medications in their patients. However, it is necessary to increase their knowledge on the subject and standardize the processes to guarantee the adequate implementation of the notification system.
Pharmacovigilance is a science aimed at detecting, evaluating, understanding, and preventing any risk that patients may suffer when using drugs and especially those possible adverse events during the post-marketing phase. Given this, underreporting of adverse drug reactions is a major cause of concern and a threat to pharmacovigilance systems and public health. The present investigation analyzed the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding the notification of adverse reactions to medications in the health personnel of the Pérez Zeledón Health Area, the period from June to July 2020. For this, a total of 138 responses to the designed questionnaire were obtained, which represents 73% of the contacted population. Among the most important results, it stands out that most of the study population has heard of the term pharmacovigilance (n = 132, 95.7%) and adverse drug reaction (n = 135, 97.8%). However, nearly half of the population indicates they do not know what Noti-FACEDRA is, or they do not know the Regulation in Pharmacovigilance Good Practices (n = 68, 49.3% and n = 51, 37%, respectively). On the other hand, and of utmost importance for the Pérez Zeledón Health Area, more than two-thirds of the participating health officials reported not having received training on the subject since they started working there (n = 93, 67.4%). A positive attitude towards reporting suspected adverse drug reactions was evidenced. However, a considerable number of participants do not know how to report (n = 80, 57.9%), and consider that reporting is little promoted in the country (n = 43, 41.1%), generates extra work (n = 52, 32.6%) and do not consider it an easy process (n = 32, 23.2%), n = 76 (55.1%). Regarding the practices related to the reporting of suspected adverse reactions, about three quarters of participants have identified an adverse reaction in a patient (n = 101, 73%); of them, 85% (n = 86) have completed the corresponding report. In general, this study shows that participant healthcare personnel from the Pérez Zeledón Health Area is aware of the importance of reporting possible adverse reactions to medications in their patients. However, it is necessary to increase their knowledge on the subject and standardize the processes to guarantee the adequate implementation of the notification system.
Palabras clave
Reacciones adversas a medicamentos, conocimiento, actitudes y prácticas sobre RAM, Farmacovigilancia, Estudio tipo CAP, Reporte de sospecha de RAM