Efectividad de algunas medidas preventivas y educativas en la reducción de caries dental
artículo original
Varela, Alam
Brenes Gómez, William
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Se identificó la efectividad de las medidas preventivas y educativas del programa de odontología, dirigido a niños escolares de la Region Central Norte del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, durante el periodo 1987 a 1992. El diseño usado fue un estudio observacional de cohorte retrospectiva, con un total de 1125 alumnos de sexto grado, divididos en dos grupos: aquellos que durante cinco años o más, han estado en el área de influencia del programa y recibieron atención preventiva, educativa y asistencial; y aquellos otros, que en condiciones iguales a los anteriores, solo han recibido los beneficios asistenciales del programa. El número de escolares con historia de caries, de la cohorte expuesta fue del 94%, y de 96% en la cohorte no expuesta. La razón, de incidencia acumulada es de 0,98 (IC al 95%, 0,95-1,0). La fracción preventiva es de 2% de casos potenciales, que fueron prevenidos por las actividades preventivas y educativas. El índice CPO, medido por unidad diente, muestra una incidencia acumulada de 0,18 en la cohorte expuesta y 0,22 en la cohorte no expuesta para una razón) de incidencias acumuladas de historia de caries de 0,81 (IC al 95%, 0,78-0,85), para una fracción preventiva de 0,19, lo que representa un 19% de casos potenciales para todas las piezas dentales que fueron prevenidas por la exposición, y en los primeros molares permanentes esta fracción fue del 7%. Llama Ia atención que Ia condición de pieza dental obturada con caries en la cohorte expuesta muestra una incidencia acumulada de 0,04 y de 0,14 en Ia cohorte no expuesta, para una razón de incidencias de 0,31 (IC al 95% 0,24, 0,40), lo que equivale a 3,22 oportunidades de ventaja de no tener esta condición en los niños expuestos a estas actividades. Esto podría sugerir una considerable efectividad del programa a nivel de prevención secundaria de Ia caries; de ser así, sería de esperar que las piezas dentales perdidas por caries tuvieran mayor ocurrencia en Ia cohorte no expuesta, situación que no se puso en evidencia en este estudio. La baja efectividad en Ia prevención primaria de Ia caries dental del programa, medida en el presente estudio, cuestiona las estrategias de prevención y educación para Ia salud utilizados, y se considera que se deben incorporar tecnologías mas eficaces, para Ia prevención primaria de la caries.
The effectiveness of the preventive and educational measures in school of Costa Rica children of the North Central Region of the Ministry of Health during the period from 1987 to 1992 was identified. An observational retrospective cohort study was designed with a sample of 1125 sixth graders, divided in two groups: those who during five or more years had lived in the area under the influence of the program and received preventive, educational and curative attention, and those children who in the same conditions previously mentioned only received asistencial benefits from the program. The number of children with caries history was 94% in the exposed cohort and 96% in the unexposed cohort. The ratio of cumulative incidence is 0.98 (CI at 95%, 0.95-0.1) The preventive fraction is 2% of potential cases that were prevented by the preventive and educational activities. The DMF index, measured by tooth, showed a cumulative incidence of 0.18 for the exposed cohort and 0.22 for the unexposed cohort with a ratio of cumulative incidence of caries history of 0.81 (IC at 95%, 0.78-0.85), for preventive fraction of 0,19. This represents 19% of potential cases for all the teeth that were prevented by the exposure; in the first permanent molars, this fraction was of 7%. It is of interest that the restored tooth with caries condition in the exposed cohort shows a cumulative incidence of 0.04 and the unexposed cohort of 0.14 with a ratio of incidence of 0.31 (CI at 95%, 0.24-0.40) which is translated as 3.22 advantage opportunities of not having this condition in the children exposed to these activities. This could suggest a considerable effectiveness of the program at a level of secondary caries prevention. It could then be expected that the lost of teeth by decay would be more frequent in the unexposed cohort group; a situation that was not evident in this study. The low effectiveness of the program's primary prevention of dental caries, measured in the present study, questiones the strategies utilized for health prevention and education: it is considered that more effective technologies should be used for the primary prevention of dental caries.
The effectiveness of the preventive and educational measures in school of Costa Rica children of the North Central Region of the Ministry of Health during the period from 1987 to 1992 was identified. An observational retrospective cohort study was designed with a sample of 1125 sixth graders, divided in two groups: those who during five or more years had lived in the area under the influence of the program and received preventive, educational and curative attention, and those children who in the same conditions previously mentioned only received asistencial benefits from the program. The number of children with caries history was 94% in the exposed cohort and 96% in the unexposed cohort. The ratio of cumulative incidence is 0.98 (CI at 95%, 0.95-0.1) The preventive fraction is 2% of potential cases that were prevented by the preventive and educational activities. The DMF index, measured by tooth, showed a cumulative incidence of 0.18 for the exposed cohort and 0.22 for the unexposed cohort with a ratio of cumulative incidence of caries history of 0.81 (IC at 95%, 0.78-0.85), for preventive fraction of 0,19. This represents 19% of potential cases for all the teeth that were prevented by the exposure; in the first permanent molars, this fraction was of 7%. It is of interest that the restored tooth with caries condition in the exposed cohort shows a cumulative incidence of 0.04 and the unexposed cohort of 0.14 with a ratio of incidence of 0.31 (CI at 95%, 0.24-0.40) which is translated as 3.22 advantage opportunities of not having this condition in the children exposed to these activities. This could suggest a considerable effectiveness of the program at a level of secondary caries prevention. It could then be expected that the lost of teeth by decay would be more frequent in the unexposed cohort group; a situation that was not evident in this study. The low effectiveness of the program's primary prevention of dental caries, measured in the present study, questiones the strategies utilized for health prevention and education: it is considered that more effective technologies should be used for the primary prevention of dental caries.
artículo -- Universidad de Costa Rica. Instituto de investigaciones en Salud, 1992
Palabras clave
caries, prevencion, programas, evaluación dental, Salud pública, Odontología, enfermedades de los dientes