Análisis de segmentos de mercado de carne de cordero (ovis orientalis aries) en el Gran Área Metropolitana de Costa Rica
artículo original
García Barquero, Manuel Enrique
Solís Rivera, Luis Ricardo
Zúñiga Umaña, Alonso Alberto
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El objetivo del presente estudio fue conocer el comportamiento de consumo de carne de cordero en el Gran Área Metropolitana (GAM) de Costa Rica, por lo que se realizó un estudio de mercado mediante la metodología de grupos focales para conocer los procesos básicos que
constituyen el comportamiento de compra de los consumidores. Se diseñó un cuestionario basado en la investigación cualitativa para la prueba piloto, en el que participaron 56 personas de la GAM. Los datos se analizaron mediante el software estadístico SPSS Statistics. Uno de los resultados más relevantes fue la identificación de tres perfiles de segmentos de mercado para la carne de cordero en el GAM, los cuales son: el consumidor recurrente y conocedor, consumidor ocasional y poco informado y, por último, el consumidor procedente de minorías étnicas y culturales. Como parte de los resultados, se obtuvo una caracterización del comportamiento de compra del consumidor actual y se obtuvo retroalimentación para el ajuste de las propuestas de valor del sector ovino, las cuales permitirán el mejoramiento de las estrategias de comercialización a nivel local.
A market analysis was conducted in the Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA) of Costa Rica, in order to know consumers and their behavior of lamb meat consumption. In the GMA two focus groups were carried out to know the basic processes that constitute the buying behavior of consumers. A questionnaire was designed based on qualitative research, for the pilot test and in which 56 people participated. The data was analyzed using the statistical software SPSS Statistics. The identification of three market segment profiles for lamb meat in the GMA was found within the most relevant results, which are: the recurring and knowledgeable consumer, occasional and poorly informed consumer and, finally, the consumer from ethnic and cultural minorities. As part of the results, a characterization of the purchasing behavior of the current consumer was obtained and feedback was obtained for the adjustment of the value proposals of the lamb sector, which will allow the improvement of marketing strategies at the local level.
A market analysis was conducted in the Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA) of Costa Rica, in order to know consumers and their behavior of lamb meat consumption. In the GMA two focus groups were carried out to know the basic processes that constitute the buying behavior of consumers. A questionnaire was designed based on qualitative research, for the pilot test and in which 56 people participated. The data was analyzed using the statistical software SPSS Statistics. The identification of three market segment profiles for lamb meat in the GMA was found within the most relevant results, which are: the recurring and knowledgeable consumer, occasional and poorly informed consumer and, finally, the consumer from ethnic and cultural minorities. As part of the results, a characterization of the purchasing behavior of the current consumer was obtained and feedback was obtained for the adjustment of the value proposals of the lamb sector, which will allow the improvement of marketing strategies at the local level.
Palabras clave
Segmento, Consumo, Comportamiento del consumidor, Mercado, Producto, Segment, Consumption, Consumer behaviour, Markets, Product