Oportunidades perdidas pospandemia: transferencias y vacunación en El Salvador
artículo original
Martínez Franzoni, Juliana
Sánchez Ancochea, Diego
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Este artículo investiga si las respuestas a la pandemia implicaron oportunidades para crear y/o ampliar políticas sociales inclusivas en El Salvador, uno de los países latinoamericanos que destinó más recursos a enfrentarla. Para ello, examina las principales respuestas de corto plazo desplegadas en 2020 y 2021 —transferencias monetarias y vacunación, sus actores y justificaciones— y determina si crearon legados expansivos pasada la pandemia. Los hallazgos muestran que las acciones fueron sin duda valiosas, masivas y rápidas, pero también que los instrumentos, actores y narrativas que encuadraron estas acciones no fueron conducentes a instalar legados expansivos posteriores.
This article investigates whether the responses to the pandemic created opportuni ties to expand inclusive social policies in El Sal vador, one of the Latin American countries that allocated most resources to confront it. To this end, it examines the main short-term responses deployed in 2020 and 2021 —cash transfers and vaccination, their actors and rationale— and as sesses whether they were conducive to expansive post-pandemic legacies. Findings show that the actions were undoubtedly valuable, massive, and fast, but also that the instruments, actors, and narratives that framed them were not conducive to subsequent expansive legacies.
This article investigates whether the responses to the pandemic created opportuni ties to expand inclusive social policies in El Sal vador, one of the Latin American countries that allocated most resources to confront it. To this end, it examines the main short-term responses deployed in 2020 and 2021 —cash transfers and vaccination, their actors and rationale— and as sesses whether they were conducive to expansive post-pandemic legacies. Findings show that the actions were undoubtedly valuable, massive, and fast, but also that the instruments, actors, and narratives that framed them were not conducive to subsequent expansive legacies.
Palabras clave
Política social, Pandemia, Transferencias monetarias, VACUNACIÓN, EL SALVADOR, AMÉRICA LATINA