Determinación de parámetros de selección para el rendimiento en pepino (Cucumis sativus) cultivado bajo invernadero
artículo original
Monge Pérez, José Eladio
Cruz Coronado, José Aníbal
Loría Coto, Michelle
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El objetivo fue cuantificar las relaciones entre siete variables productivas para 13 genotipos de pepino bajo condiciones de invernadero, las variables evaluadas fueron: longitud del fruto (LF, en cm), diámetro del fruto (DF, en mm), peso del fruto (PF, en g), número de frutos por planta (NFP), rendimiento (R, en kg/planta), porcentaje de sólidos solubles totales (SST, en °Brix), y edad al inicio de cosecha (EIC, en días después del trasplante-ddt). Además, se realizó el análisis de sendero para el rendimiento. El cultivo se manejó con fertirrigación, en sustrato de fibra de coco. Se obtuvo una correlación altamente significativa entre el rendimiento y: DF (r = -0.75**) y NFP (r = 0.59**). El principal efecto directo positivo sobre el rendimiento fue ejercido por PF (coeficiente de sendero-CS = 1.66), seguido por NFP (CS = 1.18) y EIC (CS = 0.28), mientras que los máximos efectos indirectos positivos sobre el rendimiento fueron ejercidos por LF (CS = 1.63), EIC (CS = 1.01), DF (CS = 0.65) y SST (CS = 0.65) a través de PF; y por NFP (CS = 0.61), a través de LF. Por otra parte, las siguientes variables ejercieron un efecto directo negativo sobre el rendimiento: LF (CS = -0.78), SST (CS = -0.23), y DF (CS = -0.17). Se concluye que PF y NFP fueron las variables principales que contribuyeron con el rendimiento, y que son criterios de selección fundamentales en fitomejoramiento de pepino cultivado bajo invernadero.
For 13 cucumber genotypes grown under greenhouse conditions the researchers quantified relations among seven variables: fruit length (FL, in cm), fruit diameter (FD, in mm), fruit weight (FW, in g), number of fruits per plant (NFP), yield (Y, in kg/plant), percentage of total soluble solids (TSS, in °Brix), and days to start of harvest (DSH, in days after transplant-dat). Also, path analysis was estimated for yield. The crop was planted on coconut fiber as substrate, and managed with fertigation. Yield showed a highly significant correlation with FD (r = -0.75**) and NFP (r = 0.59**). The main positive direct effects on yield were exhibited by FW (path coefficient-PC = 1.66), NFP (PC = 1.18) and DSH (PC = 0.28), while maximum positive indirect effects on yield were exhibited by FL (PC = 1.63), DSH (PC = 1.01), FD (PC = 0.65) and TSS (PC = 0.65) through FW; and by NFP (PC = 0.61) through FL. On the other hand, the main negative direct effects on yield were exhibited by FL (PC = -0.78), TSS (PC = -0.23) and FD (PC = -0.17). It is concluded that FW and NFP were the main yield contributing variables in these trials, and thus represents fundamental selection criteria for greenhouse cucumber breeding.
For 13 cucumber genotypes grown under greenhouse conditions the researchers quantified relations among seven variables: fruit length (FL, in cm), fruit diameter (FD, in mm), fruit weight (FW, in g), number of fruits per plant (NFP), yield (Y, in kg/plant), percentage of total soluble solids (TSS, in °Brix), and days to start of harvest (DSH, in days after transplant-dat). Also, path analysis was estimated for yield. The crop was planted on coconut fiber as substrate, and managed with fertigation. Yield showed a highly significant correlation with FD (r = -0.75**) and NFP (r = 0.59**). The main positive direct effects on yield were exhibited by FW (path coefficient-PC = 1.66), NFP (PC = 1.18) and DSH (PC = 0.28), while maximum positive indirect effects on yield were exhibited by FL (PC = 1.63), DSH (PC = 1.01), FD (PC = 0.65) and TSS (PC = 0.65) through FW; and by NFP (PC = 0.61) through FL. On the other hand, the main negative direct effects on yield were exhibited by FL (PC = -0.78), TSS (PC = -0.23) and FD (PC = -0.17). It is concluded that FW and NFP were the main yield contributing variables in these trials, and thus represents fundamental selection criteria for greenhouse cucumber breeding.
Palabras clave
correlación, sendero, fruto, peso, partenocárpico