Snake venomics of the pit vipers Porthidium nasutum, Porthidium ophryomegas, and Cerrophidion godmani from Costa Rica: Toxicological and taxonomical insights




artículo original


Lomonte, Bruno
Rey Suárez, Paola
Tsai, Wan-Chih
Angulo Ugalde, Yamileth
Sasa Marín, Mahmood
Gutiérrez, José María
Calvete Chornet, Juan José

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Within the Neotropical pit vipers, a lineage of primarily Middle American snake species referred to as the “Porthidium group” includes the genera Atropoides, Cerrophidion, and Porthidium. In this study, the venom proteomes of Porthidium nasutum, P. ophryomegas, and Cerrophidion godmani from Costa Rica were analyzed, and correlated to their toxic and enzymatic activities. Their HPLC profiles revealed a higher similarity between the two Porthidium species than between these and C. godmani. Proteins belonging to nine (P. nasutum), eight (P. ophryomegas), and nine (C. godmani) families were identified by mass spectrometry or N-terminal sequencing. Final cataloging of proteins and their relative abundances confirmed the close relationship between venoms of P. nasutum and P. ophryomegas, departing from that of C. godmani. Since the latter species had been taxonomically classified as Porthidium godmani previously, our venomic analyses agree with its current generic status. Venoms of P. nasutum and P. ophryomegas, despite containing abundant metalloproteinases and serine proteinases, lack procoagulant activity on human plasma, in contrast to venom of C. godmani. The latter induced strong myotoxicity in mice, which correlates with its high proportion of phospholipases A2, whereas venoms from the two Porthidium species, containing lower amounts of these enzymes, induced only mild muscle damage.


2082-02 Embargo por política editorial

Palabras clave

Snake venom, Proteomics, Venomics, Mass spectrometry, Porthidium, Cerrophidion
