Mmds and 2d scattering problem by cylindrical structure with piece-wise smooth boundary


2009-02-20 00:00:00


artículo original


Anyutin, Alexander P.
Stasevich, V.I.

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An universal modification of the method of discrete sources (MMDS) was appliedfor solving 2D Dirichlet or Neumann boundary problem when the scatterer’s contour isa piece-wise smooth contour. The problems of accuracy, choosing auxiliary contours,stable results, location and type of contour’s break points are discussed.Keywords: Modification of the method of discrete sources, piece-wise smooth boundary,accuracy.
Una modificaci´on universal al m´etodo de fuentes discretas (MMDS) ha sido aplicadapara resolver problemas 2D de frontera de Dirichlet o Neumann cuando el contornodel dispersador es un contorno suave a trazos. Se discuten los problemas deprecisi´on, escogiendo contornos auxiliares, resultados estables, localizaci´on y tipo decontorno en los puntos de quiebre.Palabras clave: Modificaci´on del m´etodo de fuentes discretas, frontera suave a trozos,precisi´on.


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