Recuperación y restauración del río en la comunidad de Hacienda Vieja, Tirrases y Ayarco
tesis de maestría
Córdoba Herrera, Amanda
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La degradación del paisaje y la poca inversión en las ciudades en el tema de infraestructura verde y azul, ha traído como consecuencia situaciones adversas en las comunidades cercanas de los ríos urbanos y áreas donde la infraestructura gris tiene un mayor impacto. Los cambios son más notorios debido a la rapidez de avance que tienen los impactos ambientales; a lo cual y los gobiernos nacionales y locales, han incursionado en la elaboración de planes estratégicos para mitigar el cambio climático en menor, media y gran escala. A su vez, el papel que juega el involucrar a las comunidades para que estas estrategias sean compartidas e involucren a los diferentes actores en el proceso. La propuesta para la comunidad de Tirrases, Hacienda Vieja y Ayarco, considera los temas anteriores y propone un proyecto multidisciplinario paisajístico para la recuperación y restauración de los márgenes de los ríos, para obtener los beneficios ecosistémicos de la flora y fauna, y para la protección de las personas en las zonas de riesgo de inundación y deslizamientos.
The degradation of the landscape and the lack of investment in cities in green and blue infrastructure have resulted in adverse situations in communities near urban rivers and areas, where gray infrastructure has a greater impact. The changes are more noticeable due to the speed at which environmental impacts are advancing; the national and local governments have ventured into the development of strategic plans to mitigate climate change on a small, medium and large scale. At the same time, the role played by involving the communities so that these strategies are shared and involve the different actors in the process. The proposal for the community of Tirrases, Hacienda Vieja and Ayarco, considers the above issues and proposes a multidisciplinary landscape project for the recovery and restoration of riverbanks, to obtain the ecosystemic benefits of the vegetation and the animals, and for the protection of people in areas at risk of flooding and landslides.
The degradation of the landscape and the lack of investment in cities in green and blue infrastructure have resulted in adverse situations in communities near urban rivers and areas, where gray infrastructure has a greater impact. The changes are more noticeable due to the speed at which environmental impacts are advancing; the national and local governments have ventured into the development of strategic plans to mitigate climate change on a small, medium and large scale. At the same time, the role played by involving the communities so that these strategies are shared and involve the different actors in the process. The proposal for the community of Tirrases, Hacienda Vieja and Ayarco, considers the above issues and proposes a multidisciplinary landscape project for the recovery and restoration of riverbanks, to obtain the ecosystemic benefits of the vegetation and the animals, and for the protection of people in areas at risk of flooding and landslides.
Palabras clave
Corredor biológico, Paisajismo, Infraestructura Verde, Infraestructura Azul, Tirrases - Costa Rica, ECOSYSTEMS, LANDSCAPE DESIGN, STRATEGIC PLANNING