Mutagénesis ambiental y el use de biomarcadores para predecir el riesgo de cáncer
artículo original
Cuenca Berger, Patricia
Ramírez Mayorga, Vanessa
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Revista de Biología Tropical 52(3) p.585-590
La mutagénesis ambiental o genética toxicológica es una disciplina que tiene como objetivo estudiar el daño genético que conduce a mutaciones, producido por agentes físicos, químicos y biológicos, identificar estos agentes, analizar sus interacciones y mecanismos de acción. Existen suficientes evidencias experimentales y epidemiológicas que demuestran que el proceso cancerígeno se inicia y se favorece por la presencia de mutaciones en los oncogenes, los genes supresores de tumores y los que codifican para los sistemas de reparación del ADN. Una herramienta valiosa en salud pública y ocupacional es el monitoreo de grupos de población expuestos a agentes potencialme te dañinos para el ser humano. Tiene como objetivo preservar la salud y la calidad de vida en aquellos grupos que son de alto riesgo por la naturaleza de las sustancias a que es- tán expuestos. Se vislumbra al monitoreo del efecto genotóxico en poblaciones expuestas, en conjunto con el análisis de polimorfismos de susceptibilidad, como herra- mientas clave en la salud pública y ocupacional del futuro, para prevenir la ocurrencia de tumores de origen ambiental y especialmente laboral. En este trabajo se revisan los principales conceptos sobre este tema y se hace referencia a los trabajos realizados sobre exposición laboral a poten- ciales cancerígenos y a la que existe en el monitoreo de po- blaciones expuestas en Costa Rica.
Environmental mutagenesis and use of biomarkers In cancer risk prediction. The field of environmental mutagenesis or toxicology genetics aims to study the genetic damage that leads to mutations produced by physical, chemical and biological agents, to identify these agents and analyze their interactions and ways of action. There are enough experimental and epidemiological evidences implicating mutations in oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes and DNA repair genes as determinants in the onset and progression of the neoplastic process. A valuable tool in public and occupational health is the monitoring of populations exposed to potentially hazardous agents. The objective is to protect the health and quality of life of high risk groups on account of the nature of the agents of exposure. Monitoring of genotoxic effects in exposed populations as well as the analysis of susceptibility polymorphism are visualized as key tools in the realm of future public and occupational health in order to prevent the occurrence of environmental and specially occupational origin of tumors. This paper reviews the main concepts concerning this issue and refers to studies on the subject in Costa Rica
Environmental mutagenesis and use of biomarkers In cancer risk prediction. The field of environmental mutagenesis or toxicology genetics aims to study the genetic damage that leads to mutations produced by physical, chemical and biological agents, to identify these agents and analyze their interactions and ways of action. There are enough experimental and epidemiological evidences implicating mutations in oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes and DNA repair genes as determinants in the onset and progression of the neoplastic process. A valuable tool in public and occupational health is the monitoring of populations exposed to potentially hazardous agents. The objective is to protect the health and quality of life of high risk groups on account of the nature of the agents of exposure. Monitoring of genotoxic effects in exposed populations as well as the analysis of susceptibility polymorphism are visualized as key tools in the realm of future public and occupational health in order to prevent the occurrence of environmental and specially occupational origin of tumors. This paper reviews the main concepts concerning this issue and refers to studies on the subject in Costa Rica
artículo -- Universidad de Costa Rica Instituto de Investigaciones en Salud. 2004
Palabras clave
mutagenesis ambiental,, plaguicida, Mutación, Genética humana, Toxicología