Estudio Agroeconómico del frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) ‘TAPADO’ en Costa Rica
artículo original
González, Walter
Araya Villalobos, Rodolfo
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Durante los periodos setiembre 1983 - enero 1984, mayo 1984 – enero 1985 y setiembre 1985 - abril 1986, se seleccionaron cuatro localidades representativas de las principales regiones productoras de frijol en Costa Rica y se efectuó un muestreo aleatorio de 44 fincas de agricultores para evaluar la rentabilidad del sistema de siembra ‘Frijol Tapado’ y realizar una apreciación acerca de su riesgo y repercusión socioeconómica. La rentabilidad media fue 160,93% y varió entre 171,43% y 493,29% a un grado de confianza del 95% de probabilidad. El 28,13% de los agricultores tuvo pérdidas con la actividad de frijol bajo el sistema tapado; mientras que el 62,50% obtuvieron rentabilidad superior al 100%. La productividad media fue 614,95 kg/ha y varió entre 0 y 1557 kg/ha a un grado de confianza del 95% de probabilidad. El 37,51% de los agricultores obtuvo una productividad entre 0 y 450 kg/ ha, el 46,86%, entre 450 y 1050 kg/ha y el 15,63%, superiores a 1050 kg/ha. El intermediario pagó al agricultor precios del producto inferiores a los que fijó el Estado en las localidades y periodos de estudio (hasta un 86,94%) conforme las áreas de siembra se alejaron de la zona urbana. El costo familiar se aumentó conforme se incrementó el precio del jornal y el costo de cosecha por el aumento de la productividad. El total de jornales requeridos en todas las labores varió de 32,64% a 46,25% en las localidades de estudio y su precio de oportunidad en la zona fue inferior al salario mínimo fijado por el Estado. La capacidad efectiva de un agricultor para realizar la labor de siembra varió de 0,54 a 1,47 hectáreas. El tamaño promedio de la explotación en las localidades estudiadas fue 0,48 ha y varió entre 0,04 y 2,17 ha. El riesgo del frijol tapado fue muy bajo debido a que no requirió gastos en efectivo. El agricultor arriesgó únicamente la semilla y su trabajo. No obstante, existió mucha incertidumbre debido a la alta variancia de la productividad ocasionada por efecto de condiciones de clima, suelos, malezas, plagas (babosa) y condición genética de la semilla.
Four localities representative of the main bean producing zones in Costa Rica were selected, during the periods from September, 1983 to January, 1984, May, 1984 to January, 1985 and September, 1985 to April, 1986, to conduct a random sampling of 44 farms to evaluate the profitability of the ‘Tapado’ bean system and appraise its risks and socioeconomic effect. The profitability mean was 160.93% and varied between 174.23% and 496.09% at a 95% probability degree of confidence. Around 28.13% of the farmers had loses with the beans under the tapado system, while 62.5% of them had profits above 100%. Nevertheless, this activity did not depend on its profitability on the firt place but rather on their need for food. The risk of the tapado bean was low because it did not need of cash expenses, the only risk was for the seed and hand labor. Nonetheless, there was uncertainty because of the accentuated yield variability caused by the effect of the climatic conditions, soils, weeds, plagues (slugs [Vaginulus sp.]) and the seed genotypes. About 37.51% of the growers had yields between o and 450 kg/ha, 46.84% of them had yields between 450 and 1050 kg/ha and 15.63% had yields above 1050 kg/ha. The family cost depended directly of the amount of seed used and the productivity. There was restrain on the use of the planting area due to the small size of the plots (mean=0.48ha). The grower sold the beans at a price lower than the one fixed by the government (down to 86.94%) as the planting plots were farther away from the urban areas, and the opportunity labor price was also under the minimum wage.
Four localities representative of the main bean producing zones in Costa Rica were selected, during the periods from September, 1983 to January, 1984, May, 1984 to January, 1985 and September, 1985 to April, 1986, to conduct a random sampling of 44 farms to evaluate the profitability of the ‘Tapado’ bean system and appraise its risks and socioeconomic effect. The profitability mean was 160.93% and varied between 174.23% and 496.09% at a 95% probability degree of confidence. Around 28.13% of the farmers had loses with the beans under the tapado system, while 62.5% of them had profits above 100%. Nevertheless, this activity did not depend on its profitability on the firt place but rather on their need for food. The risk of the tapado bean was low because it did not need of cash expenses, the only risk was for the seed and hand labor. Nonetheless, there was uncertainty because of the accentuated yield variability caused by the effect of the climatic conditions, soils, weeds, plagues (slugs [Vaginulus sp.]) and the seed genotypes. About 37.51% of the growers had yields between o and 450 kg/ha, 46.84% of them had yields between 450 and 1050 kg/ha and 15.63% had yields above 1050 kg/ha. The family cost depended directly of the amount of seed used and the productivity. There was restrain on the use of the planting area due to the small size of the plots (mean=0.48ha). The grower sold the beans at a price lower than the one fixed by the government (down to 86.94%) as the planting plots were farther away from the urban areas, and the opportunity labor price was also under the minimum wage.