Revista Clínica Escuela de Medicina UCR-HSJD, Volumen 2, Número 12
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Ítem Bloqueo bifascicular (Bloqueo de Rama Derecha con Hemibloqueo Anterior) y PR limítrofe(2012-02-01 00:00:00) Clínica Escuela de Medicina UCR-HSJD, RevistaÍtem Evaluación de la tromboprofilaxis en los pacientes ingresados en el Hospital San Juan de Dios, abril a junio 2012(2012-02-01 00:00:00) Robles Calderón, Allan; Acuña Feoli, José AlonsoBackground: Deep venous thrombosis and ve- nous thromboembolism are common complica- tions in hospitalized patients as well as after their hospital discharge. Among hospitalized patients, the mortality rate is as high as 5 to 10% in those with pulmonary embolism(1) and venous throm- boembolism associated death rate is the most important avoidable cause among hospitalized patients(1-4). Main Objective: To determine the percentage of accurate management of prophy- lactic anticoagulation therapy among patients admitted at San Juan de Dios Hospital, between April 15th 2012 and June 1st 2012. Specific ob- jectives: to compare prophylactic anticoagulation in this hospital with the InternationalGuidelines. To compare the data obtained with other hospi- tals includes in ENDORSE study. To identify the most common risk factors for thromboembolic disease. Compare the use of thromboprophylaxis in surgical and medical patients. Methods: All patients admitted at San Juan de Dios Hospital during the period of study were identified, within the first 72 hours. An expedient revision was made, to get information as thromboprophylaxis indications, contraindications and use of this therapy by the physicians. Results: The Medical Area showed higher level of use of thrombo- prophylaxis therapy, according to International Guidelines, when compared with Surgical Area. This comply was even higher than the one that is reported in other multinational trials.Ítem Malformación arteriovenosa cerebral gigante(2012-02-01 00:00:00) Brenes Valverde, Diana; Barguil Meza, IbrahimÍtem Septicemia asociada a catéter venoso central(2012-02-01 00:00:00) Ramírez Cardoce, Manuel EnriqueThe use of central venous catheters (CVC) isvery common in national hospitals, because theyimprove the care of critically ill patients as wellas the administration of irritant drugs likechemotherapy, parenteral nutrition and someantibiotics and specific parenteral solutions.They are also used to perform medical proce-dures as plasmaferesis and hemofiltration. Be-cause of its location in the deep venous system,they are very important sites of ingress for path-ogens. This review describes the main types ofCVC, the sources and sites of infection and therisk factors linked to CVC-associated septicemia.It also describes the recommendations for CVCsubstitution and the most frequent bacterial florafound as cause of infection.