Cuadernos de Antopología 24(1)
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Ítem Nutrir la identidad: la herencia china en la costa de Chiapas, México(2014-06-27 00:00:00) Lisbona, MiguelThe cultural contributions of Chinese descendants in the Pacific coast of México, specifically in the state of Chiapas, have transcended the anecdotal nature to become a benchmark of local identity, thanks to the construction of a gastronomic tradition known as Chinese food, especially in the city of Tapachula.Ítem El arte de la metáfora indígena(2014-06-27 00:00:00) Ferro, Luis E.To the indigenous world, memory is alive word manifested in stories that are constructed through the transfiguration of metaphor. The metaphor is thus the axis and narrative to evoke the sense of their social and aesthetic manifestations arise, ritualized and explained the orality their own life experiences in the course of time resource.Ítem Gallos de pelea: algunas precisiones desde el diálogo con un gallero(2014-06-27 00:00:00) Rodríguez Aguilar, Onésimo GerardoThe following article arises from an ongoing research project entitled “‘Dying cock good!’ Young, cockpits and cockfighting” developed from the School of Anthropology at La Universidad de Costa Rica. This paper attempts to explore some of the realities experienced by a young cocker (referring to the dynamics related to breeding and cockfighting) narrated from his own orality, ie argumentative exposition of the evidence is from a dialogical perspective that enables observe the reflection and analysis of the subject of extensive way.Ítem Desafíos de la antropología de la religión en América Latina para abordar el tema del cristianismo entre pueblos indígenas(2014-06-27 00:00:00) Pachecho, DanielThe present article shows an analysis from the anthropology of religion about the relations between Christians and indigenous populations, reviewing documents and declarations about the subject, from the authorities of catholic churches and from the indigenous people by it. We look for a future dialogue and mutual construction between church´s and indigenous cultures, to strength the options of autonomous development of the indigenous cultures in Latin America.Ítem Estrategias y modos de acción en el cruce de prácticas religiosas y coyunturas cotidianas. Una mirada al complejo religioso Ocha-Ifá en la Cuba del Siglo XXI(2014-06-06 00:00:00) Rodríguez, JavierThe proposed title for this article reveals the intention to examine the relationship between the recommendations emanating from the religious ritual initiation on the complex Ocha-Ifá in Cuba and its daily practices. This article aims to analyze some of the modes of action launched by practitioners from these recommendations and how they structure what has been referred to in this space as relations with the different figures of the other. In this sense, it intends, first, to show the mythical stories as operators of these modes of actions, secondly, to show how these recommendations and promoted actions will end racial prejudices found in contemporary Cuban society: especially once these recommendations come in contact both with the dynamics of everyday life such as the individual and collective subjectivities and intersubjectivities interchangeably.