Revista Clínica Escuela de Medicina UCR-HSJD, Volumen 2, Número 6
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Ítem Presentación del URL de la Revista Clínica de la Escuela de Medicina UCR-HSJD ante la comunidad médica nacional.(2011-08-01 00:00:00) Barguil Meza, IbrahimÍtem EL SANATORIO CARLOS DURÁN CARTÍN, CARTAGO, COSTA RICA: UNA APROXIMACIÓN DESDE LA ANTROPOLOGÍA SOCIAL Y LA ARQUEOLOGÍA. Parte II: Papel del médico ante la tuberculosis(2011-08-01 00:00:00) Mena Bustamante, FaridyÍtem COMPARACIÓN DEL RECHAZO AGUDO DURANTE EL PRIMER AÑO DEL INJERTO EN PACIENTES TRASPLANTADOS RENALES QUE RECIBIERON BASILIXIMAB O DACLIZUMAB. HOSPITAL CALDERÓN GUARDIA. PERÍODO 2000-2008(2011-08-01 00:00:00) Umaña González, Jorge Andrés; Mora Palma, Francisco; Espinach Roel, MarioBackground Acute renal transplant rejection isone of the most important complications of thismedical procedure. This study compares the first year rate of rejection in patients that receiveddaclizumab or basiliximab as initial immunosuppression induction drug. Methods It ́s an observational, retrospectivecohort study and includes patients between January 2000 and December 2008. The source ofpatients was the Nephrology Service of Calderón Guardia Hospital. The target population was allthe patients with renal transplant whom receivedbasiliximab or daclizumab as initial immunosuppression induction drug. Results Acute renal transplant rejection wasmore often seen in the group of patients thatreceived basiliximab, compared with the daclizumab group. Discussion The acute renal rejection rate in thefirst year post surgery in Calderón Guardia Hospital, showed statistically significant differencesbetween the daclizumab group and the basiliximab group. In the basiliximab group there wheremore patients with acute rejection.Ítem HALLAZGOS DE ULTRASONIDO EN PACIENTE CON GONAGRA(2011-08-01 00:00:00) Cruz Romero, Cinthia; Araya Vargas, WilbertÍtem SÍNDROME DE PLATIPNEA- ORTODEOXIA COMO PRESENTACIÓN DE TROMBOEMBOLISMO PULMONAR(2011-08-01 00:00:00) Acuña Feoli, José Alonso; Cerdas Mena, Carlos MiguelThe diagnosis of Platypnea-Orthodeoxia Syndrome is mainly clinical and should be confirmed by laboratory tests. Because of this fea-ture, the clinical suspicious is the most importantfact in the assessment of the patient and the physician should perform an exhaustive clinicalhistory as well as physical examination. Theorigin of this syndrome relies in a defect in theventilation/perfusion ratio and once identified,the diagnostic assessment should be oriented toestablish the underlying cause and the most appropriate treatment. For this article, a bibliographic revision wasperformed about platypnea/orthodeoxia syndrome, because of the case of a 73 years oldfemale, who came to our hospital with a suspected pulmonary embolism.Ítem MASCULINO DE 55 AÑOS CON MENINGOENCEFALITIS POR FLAVIVIRUS, POLIRRADICULOPATÍA INFLAMATORIA Y EVC ISQUÉMICO(2011-08-01 00:00:00) Quesada Aguilar, Carlos I.We present a young patient with untreated hypertension, who complained of acute loss of muscular strength on the left side of his body. He hadfever and the diagnostic work up showed lymphocytic meningitis. He also presented withgeneralized weakness in his four extremities anda neurophysiologic study showed an inflammato-ry poliradiculoneuropathy. The PCR analysis ofthe cerebrospinal fluid was positive for flavivirusinfection.