Volumen 1, Número 1

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  • Ítem
    Analysis of the incidence of the job done by the specific advisers in unique schools
    (2011-06-30 00:00:00) Mendoza Mendoza, Luis Alfredo
    The study examines the perspective of specific advice from the Spanish areas, math, social studies and science teachers and one teacher of the school circuit 05, Regional Education Directorate Santa Cruz, proper schools: Palestine, Castilla de Oro, Altos del Roble, Playa Hermosa, Cacique and New Colon, on the management carried out by consultants and educational input they expect teachers to strengthen their work in the teaching-learning process, as well as school management.With the present investigation, we identified as a problem or need, lack of training spaces and professional development of teachers one teacher for this reason, we present a management model, which considers the components related to the performance of one teacher's work . The design aims to address two major areas of school management: the administrative and teaching area.
  • Ítem
    Proposal for self evaluation in educational organizations
    (2011-06-30 00:00:00) Montiel Ortega, Eithel; Méndez Salazar, Dionel; López Campos, Alexander
    This article focuses on a synthesis of self-education organizations in an address mode circuit 02-Pitahaya Regional Directorate of the province of Puntarenas, Costa Rica, where he ran an adaptation of international standards for certification educational quality, as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) to the context of self-evaluation of Costa Rican education. For this purpose a sample was taken to the teachers, principals, school boards, school boards and student governments. Later, they adapted the tools of the models (ISO) and (EFQM) in everyday language so that these people discriminate the items considered necessary for a self-assessment with the context of each educational organization under study.Finally, we present a proposal for self-contextualized to the Schools Division One, which enables them practical meaning to the evaluation processes, seeking to improve the quality of education.
  • Ítem
    Educational management based in competences: elements for its interpretation in the context of administration of the education
    (2011-06-30 00:00:00) Venegas Jiménez, Pedro
    The new century brings rapid changes that extend to the reality in schools, which have had to change their ways of management as a result of new challenges and responsibilities presented by the society. Is very important to the improvement of national education in a global context, to study the education management skills to understand the role of educational administrator. This leads to the need to investigate elements of a profile manager competency-based education from the perspective of professional management.The most immediate learning setting for the development manager of education is the school, through a set of elements of the contemporary theory of knowledge in this field. The author is supported by several publications product of professional experience in the training of educational administrators and participating in projects based on skills.
  • Ítem
    Analysis of the institutional evaluation approach applied to the educational management of Costa Rica Christian School
    (2011-06-30 00:00:00) Campos Campos, Ana Jenssie
    The following article corresponds to the synthesis of a research work about the analysis of the Institutional Evaluation Approach applied to the educational management of a private school in the San José Norte Educational Region. The objectives of the analysis lied in identifying theinstitutional evaluation approach from the characteristics of the three approaches proposed, as well as on determining the dimensions of the approach used, and a third objective was determining the staff perception of the institution in terms of the level of impact that the institutional evaluation approach has in regard to the organization.The theoretical support for the study is based on three institutional evaluation approaches, that is, curriculum evaluation, from the qualitative paradigm, whose exponents are: Posner, Eisner and Stake, mentioned by Flórez (2003), Stufflebeam and Shinkifield’s CIPP (Context, Input, Processes and Products) evaluation, cited by Bausela (2003), and the self-evaluation approach, Antúnez (2009). The intervention proposal is based on this latter approach. The methodology used for the study is the quantitative-descriptive methodology, and a semistructured and self-applied questionnaire was applied to the organization’s population in the area: teaching, technical-administrative, teaching-administrative and administrative staff.The results produced by the study clearly establish that while it is possible to identify several characteristics of the three approaches proposed, in respect to the determination of the dimensions, it does not establish a specific institutional evaluation approach to be applied by the school educational management. Due to the above, the perception of the participating staff concerning the impact that the evaluation approach applied has on the organization does not represent a significant impact on the organization. From the evaluative duty that educational administration has on each school, the management of an evaluation process will have the objective to determine the existing needs, regardless of the approach used, and also to produce the achievement of the goals proposed by the organization. The above involves an evaluative culture construction process, which currently does not exist either in the Latin American or national educational environment. When this construction is based on the self-evaluation approach, the process becomes participatory, as social actors interact in a direct and reflective manner, which brings about commitment towards the institutional improvement process. Finally includes a program to administrate from the evaluation area.
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    Policies and working conditions of the educational sector in Costa Rica
    (2011-01-01 00:00:00) Morales Zúñiga, Luis Carlos
    This essay approaches from a sociological perspective and especially from some analytical elements of sociology of education and sociology of work, certain aspects of the national education current policy, specifically, those related to working conditions of teachers. This paper raises the relationship between working conditions for teachers and State policy in relation to national educational problems, policies that are unuseful to achieve a reform of the education system, as a result of the impossibility of think about social change, and legitimating of educational policies in the current education system. The emphasis of the analysis of working conditions is the subject of salaries, the job instability, and the workload for teachers.
  • Ítem
    High School conflicts its approach by the administration and teaching staff
    (2011-06-30 00:00:00) Chacón Soto, Lisbeth; Elizondo Vásquez, Yirlany; Fernández Ramírez, María Isabel; Triana Mora, Jesusita; Umaña Vásquez, Eva María
    This paper presents a study on "Administrative approach to teaching and student conflict in the field of secondary education". Data on current global situation and national conflicts in the social and educational is presented first.The research is based on bibliographic documents which provide a comprehensive view about the challenge of those who administer education, with emphasis in conflictsthat students experience when trying to fulfill the expectations and purposes of education in Costa Rica. It also contains the results drawn from this study and suggests strategies for a preventive approach.