Revista de Filología y Lingüística 38(1)
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Ítem Reseñas(2013-10-28 14:22:35) Cuvardic García, Dorde; Víquez Jiménez, Alí; Chen Sham, Jorge; Jiménez, Luis A.Ítem La adquisición de los recursos gramaticales de referencia por estudiantes de español como segunda lengua en el nivel principiante(2013-10-28 14:22:35) Vargas Víquez, Silvia M.They are presented in this article the analysis results of a corpus written by Anglophone learners of the beginner level of Spanish. These findings are part of a larger investigation that seeks to determine if there is a pattern of acquisition of referential grammatical resources in Spanish as a second language (common noun with indefinite determinant, common substantive with defined determinant, proper name, third-person singular pronoun and their possessive determiners, zero anaphora).Ítem El mantenimiento de la referencia anafórica en el discurso narrativo tradicional en lengua malecu(2013-10-28 14:22:35) Stensrud Krohn, HaakonThis paper analyzes, within the functionalist framework, the different strategies used to express anaphoric references in Maleku. The analyses are carried out both quantitatively and qualitatively, and show the relation between the referent’s identifiability and the strategy used by the speaker, as well as the functions of the pronouns.Ítem El Sistema de Finito en la cláusula del bribri de Coroma según la gramática sistémico-funcional(2013-10-28 14:22:35) Pacchiarotti, SaraThis article seeks to analyze the subsystems that constitute the system of FINITENESS in Bribri in the frame of systemic-functional grammar of M.A.K. Halliday. Starting from the description of each subsystem, the author seeks to build a possible system of FINITENESS for the Bribri language. The issue of diminished transitivity in perfective negative clauses is also addressed from a systemic-functional perspective.Ítem Ideologías lingüísticas de los malecus con respecto a su repertorio idiomático(2013-10-28 14:22:35) Sánchez Avendaño, CarlosThis article analyzes the language ideologies of the Malecu people in regard to their linguistic repertoire in the context of displacement of their vernacular language. In general terms, it is noticed that their representations about linguistic varieties are founded on interethnic identity (the Malecus versus the Hispanics) and intraethnic identity (the Malecus from Tonjibe versus the Malecus from Margarita and El Sol).Ítem El Desaparecido aparece(2013-10-28 14:22:35) Víquez Jiménez, AlíThis article brings about a reading of the Kafkaesque novel renamed in 1982 as The Man Who Disappeared, and formerly known as Amerika. The main objective is to draw connections from this work, considered to be of less maturity than The Castle or The Process, with the rest of the Kafkaesque novels, of that which is anticipated but also changed.Ítem El Sistema de Transitividad en las cláusulas verbales, existenciales y conductuales del bribri según la gramática sistémico-funcional(2013-10-28 14:22:35) Cruz Volio, María GabrielaThis article analyses the TRANSITIVITY system realized in verbal, existential and behavioural clauses of Bribri (Coroma’s variation) according to Halliday’s systemic-functional grammar (2004). The main objective is to describe the codification of the processes and participants associated with these types of clauses through the analysis of five Bribri texts. Since processes and participants are part of the TRANSITIVITY system (which includes the TYPE OF PROCESS and AGENCY subsystems), the present study also describes this system.Ítem Lo fantástico, lo agnóstico y lo ancestral en la literatura de Jorge Luis Borges(2013-10-28 14:22:35) Marín Calderón, Norman DavidThis article suggests that texts written by Borges can be read through the coordinates offered by the theory of fantastic literature; that is, metatextuality, the dream work, time, and the double. On the same token, Borges employs different themes about ancient civilizations and agnostic philosophies with the intention to corroborate the fundamental idea of his work that manifests that the fantastic is an alternate sort of the so called reality.Ítem Folklore and Identity in Dracula(2013-10-28 14:22:35) Harney, MichaelBram Stoker's Dracula employs certain folkloric motifs to express a set of themes grouped under the heading of hegemonic angst. In Stoker's tale of reverse imperialism, the vampiric invader, in a kind of carnivalesque inversion, plays the role of the historical Cortés or the Quijote's captive. Dracula's chief victims, Lucy and Mina, remind us of La Malinche, Cervantes's Zoraida, and other ancient and medieval examples of the sequestered native princess.Ítem Un asalto al discurso histórico. La práctica escritural de Tatiana Lobo(2013-10-28 14:22:35) González Muñoz, IreneThis article deals with part of the literary production of Tatiana Lobo, who raises a practice of writing whose purpose is to deconstruct the national historical discourse of the colonial period. In this sense, it is proposed, from literary theory, some considerations of the historical/literary relationship, to then focus the discourse on the reading from an ethical-epistemological position from which Lobo conceived their practice as a writer.Ítem Los pasos perdidos as Lost World Fiction(2013-10-28 14:22:35) Harney, Lucy D.The narrator of Carpentier’s Los pasos perdidos (1953) has intrigued and confounded scholars and critics since at least the early 1970s, when Roberto González Echevarría pointed to what he characterized as a dissonance in the novel’s narrative voice. The present analysis challenges primarily autobiographical interpretations of the novel which have emerged in recent years, arguing instead for a parodic narrative voice that unwittingly appropriates, among other traditions, the popular genre of lost world fiction.Ítem El flâneur y la flaneuse en la historia de la pintura, el cine, la fotografía y la ilustración(2013-10-28 14:22:35) Cuvardic García, DordeThe flâneur, as a social recognizable type, has been represented since the XIX century on visual culture (paintings, illustrations, films and photography). Flanerie is developed through time, thus in the case of painting, the art of space, there are certain difficulties to characterize it. In any case, flâneurs are generally identified by their clothing, their expressions, and the use of space they adopt. In these cases, they are often assimilated to the idle dandy taking a stroll. On the other hand, some painters have been identified as flâneurs. Moreover, the flâneur's point of view is visualized on paintings from a fragmentary, random and off-centered framing of public spaces. Finally, within the film and photography theory, the camera look over the street has also been understood as flanerie. Likewise, some researchers have tried to identify the flâneur and the flaneuse in their character roles through film history.