humanidades 4

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  • Ítem
    Néstor Zeledón Guzmán
    (2014-10-09 00:00:00) Alpízar Lobo, Ariana; Blanco Murillo, Patricia
    Se reconoce la extensa y valiosa carrera del artista.
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    Virtud en La República de Platón y El Príncipe de Maquiavelo
    (2014-10-10 00:00:00) Masís Iverson, Katherine
    Desde el punto de vista de la ética de virtudes, el presente ensayo compara los filósofos-reyes de Platón con el príncipe de Maquiavelo. Primeramente, se define la ética de virtudes; seguidamente, se explica la manera en que se manifiesta la virtud en La República de Platón y El Príncipe de Maquiavelo. Finalmente, se valoran las semejanzas y diferencias entre ambos autores con respecto al concepto de virtud.
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    Teatro como acontecimento: The importance of error and of the unfinished in drama education
    (2014-10-10 00:00:00) Calderón Gómez, Juan Carlos
    This reflection includes part of my methodological experience used in my teaching position at the University of Costa Rica. We intend to demonstrate how dramatic pedagogical processes contribute to foster thoughtfulness, playfulness and the awareness of the importance of teamwork.
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    Lesiones al gobierno y organización universitarios
    (2014-10-01 00:00:00) Baudrit Carrillo, Luis
    Este ensayo aborda la historia reciente del delicado tema de la autonomía universitaria y los atentados que ha sufrido este principio constitucional en los últimos años.
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    Phenomenology of faith and anthropology in Edith Stein: In view of an empathic pedagogy
    (2014-10-01 00:00:00) Céspedes Solís, Pablo
    This paper addresses the philosophical and historical contexts of early twentieth-century Europe, particularly Germany, in order to better understand the life, work and thought of Edith Stein (Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross).  A primary analysis of Stein’s work in philosophical anthropology and the phenomenology of faith and pedagogy will be presented, followed by a reflection on her possible contribution to Latin American social science and literature.
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    University, Inc.: The new global will
    (2014-10-10 00:00:00) Alvarado Dávila, Víctor
    This essay is a critical analysis of the current and pressing problems that beset the university in the age of globalization, highlighting the changes in institutional and academic performance that—thanks to accreditation practices and the homogenization of degrees—transform university autonomy into institutions that favor business interests and protect intellectual property rights.
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    Nicolás Maquiavelo un amoral con elementos morales, un acercamiento a su pensamiento desde la ética
    (2014-10-01 00:00:00) Miranda Fonseca, Héctor Eduardo
    El presente trabajo intenta explicar las grandes líneas del pensamiento de Nicolás Maquiavelo, con el fin de establecer su pensamiento amoral y como a través de categorías de análisis intenta  explicar su pensamiento alrededor de la política y del reconocimiento del nuevo escenario en Europa, que se comienza a perfilar con la aparición del Estado Moderno y se quiere enmarcar este acercamiento teórico,  con el fin de descubrir como en ese pensamiento, en forma larvada se encuentran elementos éticos, que no se descubren en su propio pensamiento, sino en su comportamiento como persona, y por el momento histórico que le toca vivir en Italia. 
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    The hebrews: A religious legacy
    (2014-10-01 00:00:00) Carvajal Mena, Ligia
    The first human settlements took place in the river banks such as the Euphrates, Tigris and Nile. Because of their fertility, those lands became the cradle of cultures that left an important legacy for the development of humanity. Within the framework of these cultures is the Hebrew that assuming foreign cultural aspects, reassembled them and made an original break to their culture, especially in the religious area by establishing unequivocally the monotheism, also outstanding buildings combining the religious with the astronomical, as well as the creation of a God with strong ethical background, transcending the national scope to an universal approach.
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    Conservation and restoration of the cast plaster gallery at the Escuela de Artes Plásticas (school of fine arts) at the University of Costa Rica
    (2014-10-10 00:00:00) Zamora Rodríguez, Herbert
    This article examines the status of one of the oldest plaster cast collections at the Escuela de Artes Plásticas (School of Fine Arts) at the University of Costa Rica.  This plaster cast gallery dates from 1897 and the Costa Rican government acquired it as a teaching tool for academic development. The sculptures and reliefs present a series of structural damages: cracks, fractures with missing parts, and surface stains and dirt. Technical solutions for the restoration of this valuable heritage are suggested.
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    La loca Ð El Gado: An analysis of the figure of the hero in the novel El gato de sí mismo, by Uriel Quesada
    (2014-10-10 00:00:00) Rojas González, José Pablo
    This paper studies the figure of the hero in Uriel Quesada’s novel, El gato de sí mismo. The main character of this Costa Rican novel is presented as a new variant of both the “dreamer” and the “underground man”. These two notions –explained by Mikhail Bakhtin– are central in this work, because they will stress the importance of both attacking the stereotype and undermining the «established sexual order», to reinforce the value of freedom.
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    Le déjeuner sur l’herbe del Jardín de las delicias (art is a private joke): A methodological critique of interpretive excess
    (2014-10-09 12:34:24) Kortsarz, Gustavo
    Contemporary art calls for explanation and this requirement is much in vogue today, to the point of excess.  On the one hand, there are some interpretations where it is extremely difficult to find the connection between the text and the work of art it is referring to.  On the other hand, there are texts that do nothing more than tell us what we see in a tautalogical and redundant manner.  As an analysis of a work of art, “Le Déjeuner sur l’Herbe del Jardín de las Delicias (art is a private joke)” is a comment on these excesses.  Starting from visual elements and a personal point of view, the exercise consists of utilizing a classical method of analysis of a work of art.  The interpretations will vary according to the angle from which the analysis is approached; accordingly, a demonstration by reductio ad absurdum through a solid argumentation is proposed.