Cuadernos de Antopología 22(1)
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Ítem Reporte sobre el diseño del programa de investigaciones arqueológicas en el Monumento Nacional Guayabo de Turrialba(2012-01-08 14:18:52) Alarcón Zamora, Gerardo MiguelSince 2010, actions towards establishing a program of archaeological investigation at the National Monument Guayabo de Turrialba have been set in motion by the School of Anthropology of the University of Costa Rica. Specific activities performed by the program include contacting specialists in restoration of archaeological sites and effecting investigative projects and teaching programs, in collaboration with the Schools of Topographic and Civil Engineering, also from the University of Costa Rica.Ítem Monumento Arqueológico Nacional Guayabo de Turrialba. Su historia, sus investigaciones, su manejo. Mauricio Murillo Herrera (2012). San José, Costa Rica: EUNED(2013-01-08 14:18:52) Arias Quirós, Ana CeciliaÍtem Reseña de Conversatorio: Antropología y Salud(2013-01-08 14:18:52) Quesada, CarolinaÍtem Los diagnósticos a los museos costarricenses y el papel desempeñado por el Museo Nacional de Costa Rica(2013-01-08 14:18:52) Murillo, PabloThis investigation presents a context analysis of the assessments to the Costa Rican museums that have been developed since 1984 and how these were incorporated in the building of the questionnaire of the new museums diagnostic. This task is part of the National Diagnostic Project of Museums of Costa Rica that is being done by the Regional and Communitarian Museums Program (PMRC) of the National Museum of Costa Rica.Ítem Significado del trabajo para las vendedoras ambulantes de la Avenida Central de San José(2013-01-08 14:18:52) Valerín Alvarado, Evelyn; Chinchilla Rojas, MelissaThis article presents an approach to the symbolic world that revolves around the work undertaken by street saleswomen in the Central Avenue in San José. It describes the characterizations that have been made “from the outside” about this economical sector while it contrasts what being a street saleswoman means for themselves, elucidating their own experiences, that is, showing a view “from the inside”.Ítem Dilemas éticos en el proceso de investigación(2013-01-08 14:18:52) Schramm, ChristinaThis article will discuss some of the ethical dilemmas in ethnographic investigation. In recognition of the complexity of intersubjective relationships between those who investigate and those who are investigated, it is sought a stimulation for a stronger critical reflection on how these relationships influence in the process of scientific works.Ítem Expectativas sociales y deterioro ambiental por el petróleo. Caso de cárdenas, tabasco, México.(2013-01-08 14:18:52) Pinkus Rendón, Manuel Jesús; Pacheco Castro, JorgeThis investigation aims to assess the environmental, economic, social and political impact of Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) on four communities in the municipality of Cardenas, Tabasco, leading to a better understanding of the conflicts stemming from PEMEX activities. During the past four years, the petroleum industry has established new oil wells in this region. We propose that the environmental deterioration historically associated with transformations of the social fabric, should be analyzed in the context of broader structural and socioeconomic policies, notably the impact of neoliberal economic policies in diverse regions of the country since the late 1980s.Ítem Dimensión sociocultural de la Leishmaniasis cutánea entre los cabécares de Chirripó de Turrialba, Costa Rica.(2013-01-08 14:18:52) Monestel Zúñiga, PamelaCutaneous Leishmaniasis is a disease that affects to people in clear social exclusion, that is why the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has declared it as a neglected disease. Nevertheless, in indigenous areas this disease has a substantial importance, therefore it was propounded the need of realize a anthropological study to understand the care and the treatment for this disease. The study area was the Alto Pacuare of Chirripo community, located in Turrialba. In this research, is propose the denomination shame/papalomoyo to make the reference to the social representation formed by the indigenous people, which occurs from the knowledge of the medical culture Cabecar and from the re-appropriation and the meaning of the information about the disease given by the biomedicine Keywords:Ítem Un acercamiento al contenido cultural de los delirios de personas con esquizofrenia de Costa Rica(2013-01-08 14:18:52) Morales Arce, Ana; Alvarado Rojas, Sofía; Calvo Brenes, Mariana; Contreras Rojas, Javier; Raventós Vorst, HenrietteThe goal of ethnopsychiatry is to identify cultural factors and their corresponding influence on the content of delusions described by people with schizophrenia. In this qualitative analysis, we found several types of delusions, the most frequent being religious and of grandeur. Religion and gender roles might be the most important factors regarding the content of the delusions in this group of subjects.