Volumen 35, Número 2

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  • Ítem
    De la furia como lugar epistémico: la filosofía y el arte de vanguardia como formas de crítica a la vida cotidiana.
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Retana Alvarado, Camilo
    In this article I intend to problematize the role –overdimensioned– that has been assigned in the classic theory to the rationality. For this I struggle with the common argument according to which the senses trouble the cognitive processes. In my alternative proposal to that epistemology I present the fury as main category. In the text I debate that such ethical-epistemic tool, which precedence is imminently emotional, would not only trouble the cognitive procedures but on the opposite would overpower them (particularly those related to the criticism of the hegemonic moral systems). As examples of this critic to the rationality and of this defense to the fury I present some manifestations of vanguards art and some philosophical ideas of non –rationalist philosophers.
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    Situación sociolingüística de las lenguas minoritarias de Costa Rica y censos nacionales de población 1927-2000: vitalidad, desplazamiento y autoafiliación etnolingüística
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Sánchez Avendaño, Carlos
    In this article, data concerning Costa Rican minority languages are analyzed and contrasted with information about the vitality and displacement progress of such languages as reported by chroniclers, travelers, anthropologists, historians and linguists. The numerical data under scrutiny were taken from the population censuses carried out in 1927, 1950, and 2000.
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    Wittgenstein y Chomsky en contrapunto: notas epistemológicas y metodológicas en torno al lenguaje, conocimiento y comunicación.
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Rivano Fischer, Emilio
    In this essay, Wittgensteinian and Chomskyan doctrines and arguments, particularly methodological and epistemological ones, combine to introduce current perspectives on human language and human cognition.
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    Las oraciones circunstanciales en español.
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Portilla Chaves, Mario
    This article proposes a classification of the adverbial sentences in Spanish from a formal perspective. The traditional classification of adverbial sentences is mainly semantic. This includes nine classes. The proposed classification, which is formal, determines only two: relatives and completives.
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    The use of English articles by a group of EFL learners.
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Hasbún Hasbún, Leyla
    This study analyzes the written production of a group of English-as-a-foreign-language students in order to determine the errors concerning the use of articles that students make. Results show that the most common type of mistake in all levels tends to be the overuse of articles. This happened in six out of eight groups. This type of mistake represents from 40 to 58.82% of the article errors. The article claims that this is partly due to first language interference. There is also evidence that indicates that overuse tends to decrease but not in a significant way.
  • Ítem
    De la gramática oracional a la gramática discursiva en el aula de español como lengua extranjera.
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Guillén Solano, Patricia
    This article describes the characteristics and principles of the discourse grammar in order to analyze the necessity to incorporate this grammar into the class of Spanish as a foreign language and to go beyond the sentence grammar perspective. Moreover, different components related to the discourse approach, such as deixis and context, are studied. Finally, in order to exemplify the application of the discourse grammar principles, the use of subject personal pronouns in a spontaneous conversation between Spanish native speakers is analyzed.
  • Ítem
    Fátima de los naufragios: realidad y ficción en el contexto español.
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Vallejos Ramírez, Mayela; García Olmos, Nelly
    In this essay, I will analyze a newspaper article titled “Nos queda la palabra” and compare it with the short story “Fátima de los Naufragios.” Both pieces were written by Lourdes Ortiz. I will investigate how reality and fiction become intertwined in the literary pieces as they portray Africans crossing the straits of Gibraltar in small boats and the welcome they receive in the new land. Also in this project my student, Nelly García, will analyze another short story, “La Piel de Marcelinda,” in which a different problematic of immigrants to Spain is explored. This short story delves into the exploitation of females taken to Spain under the false pretenses (jobs) but ending up as prostitutes.
  • Ítem
    El espejismo del desierto: migración femenina en la literatura mexicana
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Rodríguez Hicks, Sonia
    At the beginning of the eighties, women?s migration became an element of differentiation in the studies of the movement of the masses. Traditionally, in Latinamerican literarture labor migration has been focused on the masculine figure. However, in El oro del desierto (2005) by Cristina Pacheco, the author underscores the exodus of Mexican women in contemporary times and their active participation in formal and informal labor forces that are present in a globalized economy, where gender roles must be renegotiated by migrant women, whether in their community of origin, or in their final destiny.
  • Ítem
    Marejada: el otro lado del drama humano.
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Ortiz Sánchez, Lourdes
    In this article, the author analyses the contemporary situation that some migratory groups confront in Spain. The human drama that thousands of people from the North of Africa and the Subsaharan Africa daily experience when they cross the ocean in small “pateras” is shocking. Those people arrive exhausted or they die in the process. All these events demand a serious reflection about the destiny that these poor people face when they leave their land looking for paradise, however, many die in the process or they are send back to their original countries.
  • Ítem
    "Adiós Ríos, adiós Fontes": Rosalía de Castro y los Gallegos de Cuba.
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Lago Graña, Josefa
    The article explores the theme of the massive migration of Galician naturals to Cuba near the end of the 19th century and its treatment in Rosalía de Castro?s poetry, particularly in her two collections written in Galician language: Cantares gallegos (1863) and Follas novas (1880), in which the poet states her denunciation of the state of abandonment of the Galician countryside and the poverty suffered by those left behind, mainly women and children.
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    Los encuentros entre México y los Estados Unidos en spanglish y los tres entierros de Melquiades Estrada.
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Manickam, Samuel
    In this article the author carries out a comparative analysis of the representation of the Mexican migrant worker in two recent Hollywood films, Spanglish and The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada. Aspects such as the main characters, the Mexican-American relationship and the bicultural-bilingual experience, among others will be discussed.
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    El cruce de fronteras en la Genara y en como Cashora al sol de Rosina Conde.
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Cota Torres, Édgar
    In the novels titled La Genara and Como cashora al sol, Conde represents women in a context that limits them, and that at the same time offers them the possibility to decide for themselves and in that way be subjects of their own consequences. Her female characters opt to make the most of opportunities, if they wish to do so, and not be subjugated in a patriarchal society that sets them aside in their border social environment. This article analyses the diversity of borders crossed by the female protagonists in both novels. It will be observed in Conde?s attempt to portray a reality that affects women, how women are in a state of liminality, ambiguity, and of transformation which contribute to the arrival to a zone where border crossings are constant.
  • Ítem
    Las pesadillas de shango: los "Asesinatos constanzo" de Matamoros en el cine.
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Harland, Robert
    The article examines two films inspired by the Adolfo de Jesús Constanzo murders, which took place in Matamoros and in Mexico city in the 1980s, most notably in 1989 when he sacrificed the American student Mark Kilroy. Constanzo employed an odd and repellant mix of the Afro-Hispanic religions, santería and palo mayombe to carry out his ritual murders and control his followers. The two films are Perdita Durango (1997) by Alex de la Iglesia, and Borderland (2007) by Zev Berman.
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    Otras formas de inmigración en la novela costarricense contemporánea: Rima de Vallbona y Virgilio Mora
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Chen Sham, Jorge
    The article discusses the repercussions of immigration in terms of the perceptions and or representations of the space that the immigrants must now reconstruct after having left the home and community which provided to them their identity and relevancy. Immigration puts off center the individual and makes him or her confront an ontological and cultural exile, when immigration occurs for reasons other than economic ones. The two Costa Rican novels in this study, World, Demon and Woman (Rhyme of Vallbona, 1991) and Memories of a Psychiatrist (Virgilio Mora, 2005), allow us to analyze other forms of immigration, respectively, because of the regrouping of the familiar nucleus or specialization of studies. These two forms are bound to that exile in such a way that it preoccupies and marks the immigrants.
  • Ítem
    Dostoievski versus Dostoievski.
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Víquez Jiménez, Alí
    This essay presents a view of the global work of Dostoyevsky, emphasizing the ethical and metaphysical problems in his four great novels, Crime and Punishment, The Demons, The Idiot, and The Brothers Karamazov. The intention is to make evident the possibility of reading Dostoyevsky beyond the religious thought that the author has wanted to suggest, in order to understand the complexity of the personalities of his main characters through a framework of diverse variables.
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    Cántico cósmico: poesía, política y silencio en Ernesto Cardenal.
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Rodríguez Zamora, José Miguel
    This article is an analytical study on the Cántico Cósmico of Ernesto Cardenal. Their relationship to the context socio-political is reviewed, its structure and its religious implications.
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    La onomástica y la toponimia como señales en el proceso de conformación de identidad de "Agua fría", en la novela Temblor de Rosa Montero.
    (2012-08-17 00:00:00) Castillo Rodríguez, Larissa
    The Onomastics and Toponimy when building the main female character identity, in the novel “Temblor”, who is named “Agua Fría”. She starts a journey pursuing her desiring truth. The onomastic and toponimic clues are mixed up to answer questions the female character states along her journey