Anuario Centro de Investigación y Estudios Políticos, Volumen 3
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Ítem Violencia y criminalización de la migración Centroamericana en México: Perspectivas de investigación(2012) Salazar Araya, SergioSe presenta el contexto reciente (2000-2011) de la migración centroamericana en tránsito por México: flujo migratorio y securitización fronteriza; control jurídico; detención de migrantes; y la situación de abusos, violencia e identidad en la migración centroamericana. Se problematiza el contexto presentado, en el marco de algunas preguntas de investigación que apuntan a impulsar un proceso de investigación más amplio, y que partan tanto de un enfoque de antropología política como de ciencia política. Se proponen algunas consideraciones analíticas que podrían servir para reflexionar sobre el problema planteado: una noción crítica de frontera que supere la definición básica de línea que separa dos Estados-Nación, una reflexión sobre la noción de migración vista desde los conceptos de Máquina de Guerra y Aparato de Estado de Deleuze y Guattari apuntando a continuar la crítica a la noción tradicional de frontera; y el planteo de algunas perspectivas y desafíos de un proceso de investigación sobre este tema.Ítem AMONG PARTICIPATION AND POLITICAL WILL. POPULAR INICIATIVE AND THE DRAFT BILL FOR WATER INTERGRATED RESOURCE MANAGEMENT “LEY GESTIÓN INTEGRAL DEL RECURSO HÍDRICO” IN COSTA RICA(2014-05-26 00:00:00) Abarca Sánchez, RocíoThis article analyzes the political process and organizational context of discussion and struggle for new spaces of political participation in democratic regimes through direct democracy mechanisms such as the popular initiative, with the approach to the topic of citizen participation in the legislative in Costa Rica.Citizen Legislative Initiative is a recent addition in the Latin American constitutions and political practices. In our country, the law Nº8491 was issued on March 9 2006, the product of a constitutional reform which incorporated the terms “popular”, “participatory” and “people”, which led to legislative debate about the meaning of new political practices and legislative discussions about it.Ítem PUBLIC POLICY PROMOTION AND REPETITION IN SECONDARY EDUCATION, COSTA RICA(2014-05-26 00:00:00) Abarca Rodríguez, Allan; Picado Campos, Ana CatalinaThe Ministry of Public Education (MEP) decided to modify the secondary school promotion system, which has been one of the most controversial decisions in public educational policy of the last 15 years in Costa Rica. Since 2009 students, who fail some curses, have the right to enroll subjects of the next level for which already approved theirs requirement. This article is an investigational product analyzes, from the theory of public policies, the decision-making process carried out by the education authorities.Ítem COLLECTIVE ACTION AND CYCLES OF PROTEST: EXPERIENCES IN POLITICAL PARTICIPATION IN LA CARPIO, 1993-2013(2014-05-26 00:00:00) Vindas Solano, SofíaThis article presents the basic conclusions reached by my master’s thesis in Political Science. This paper analyses the process of collective action in La Carpio, Costa Rica, as an expression of political participation in relation to the installation of the garbage dumping the community. This situation frames an important moment in which La Carpio must rethink its actions to face the conflict presented by the “Technological and Environmental Park Project” (the technical denomination of the dump) administered by EBI Berthier enterprises from Canada. In this sense this paper asks:What forms of political participation, particularly what collective actions, areimplemented by the community as a means to possess some influence in the process of decision-making in regard to the disposal of La Carpio`s garbage?Ítem THE ELECTORAL LAW AND ITS IMPACT ON PARTY COMPETITION IN CENTRAL AMERICA(2014-05-26 00:00:00) Cascante Matamoros, María JoséThis article explains the influence of the electoral law on decentralization of competition in Central America. To achieve this objective, first there is a description of multilevel competition Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, through the party system indicators and local actors. Then it is explored the influence of the electoral law from the perspective of local competition.Ítem BUREAUCRATIC PARLIAMENTARY AND LEGISLATIVE PRODUCTIVITY DUALISM: BETWEEN ADMINISTRATION AND POLITICS(2014-05-26 00:00:00) Zúñiga Ramírez, César A.This article explores the relations between the political manage of legislative factions and the technical-administrative support of the Costa Rican parliament from the point of view of the bills procedures efficiency and effectiveness. In a constructivist way, with the participation of various parliament consultants and experts in front of quantitative data related to parliament efficiency, the study suspects that the relation between political and technical-administrative consultants of the parliament breaks the Administrative Science concept of team work. In that perspective, it minimizes the legislative productivity of the parliament which requires democracy.Ítem ALTERNATIVE SANCTIONS IN THE JUVENILE PRISON POPULATION(2014-05-26 00:00:00) Fernández Lépiz, CinthyaAny item to be addressed from the public policy analysis is interesting because it allows you to discover, from a perspective that claims to be objective, if decisions or state management is on the right track and study of juvenile criminal sanctions is one of those subjects.That is why in this article you will find a brief history on the model response to juvenile crime in Costa Rica from 1963 to the present, which would give reason for the current institutional and administrative organization and management, as well how to describe details of the concept, types of alternative sanctions, its implementation and some challenges.