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Ítem Between two olive trees or the story of a dying flower that waits for a hero(2012-11-25 00:00:00) Cavallini Solano, Leda; Díaz Mondragón, LedaThe authors make a remembrance of the recent decease of José Saramago, Nobel Prize in Literature 1998, died on June 18, 2010. They pay tribute to the narrator through an interpretation of his poetics applied to children's literature, from the Saramago's statement in the sense to recover the ineffable wisdom of children.Ítem The transexual in “El lugar sin límites”: Monstruosity, normas and punishment(2012-11-25 00:00:00) Martínez Díaz, MaríaThis article presents an interpretation of the novel by José Donoso El Lugar sin límites (1966). It is a literary analysis focused on the character called La Manuela, he aims to reflect on the emergence of the transsexual in the male order dominated by violence and the mechanisms of power. At the same time the analysis will revolve around the character`s body from wich it will be possible to notice the construction processes of gender identity and the normative violence exerted on the body following the heteronormative principles.Ítem The Martian Chronicles: The Triple System(2012-11-25 00:00:00) Herrera Ávila, TatianaThis article discusses the story collection The Martian Chronicles by American author Ray Bradbury and analyzes the literary genres that are combined in it: science fiction, utopia and chronic. It will demonstrate how the text weaves from these genres, a clear, open and sometimes acidic critique of society, a warning rather than force on the scope of space exploration and the frightening possibility of repeating the cruel experience of the Conquest of America From an ethical perspective and humanist.Ítem Libertarianism and social justice: Freedom as a political value(2012-11-25 00:00:00) Solís Umaña, Mario AlbertoThis article examines the tensions between the values of freedom and equality along the lines of an immanent critique to the libertarian approach— an approach that claims absolute priority to the value of freedom. The article seeks to defend the idea of positive duties through a criticism of the negative absolute value of individual liberty. The article also makes the case for positive duties in a more direct way, i.e., by showing how positive duties are consistent with the value of liberty as a political value. The idea is to bring to light the thesis that positive duties are a necessary condition of liberty properly understood.Ítem The humanities and humanism of the future(2012-11-25 00:00:00) Marín Murillo, AsdrúbalThis is an essay on humanism, in which the contribution of humanities to costarrican society is analyzed, especially the role that the School of General Studies of the University of Costa Rica has played in this context. A general synthesis of the humanist tradition is presented, and also, the historical links between western humanism and the development of science, technology and other forms of knowledge. The author emphasizes the fact that, despite the scientific progress, human societies are not finding their cultural goal. So, the role of humanities is questioned, and asks for a new way of humanism for a new era.Ítem The new humanism and communication(2012-11-25 00:00:00) Villarreal Montoya, Ana LucíaThis article presents some contributions to the understanding of humanism from the paradigm of complexity. Also discussed the crisis of paradigms and the emergence of new world views in the light of advancing scientific knowledge. It discusses the concept of Third Culture and communication as a human process.Ítem Technological culture as a basis for technological capabilities and learning(2012-11-25 00:00:00) Carvajal Villaplana, ÁlvaroIn this work a positive correlation is supposed to exist between technological capabilities and a technological culture. Promoting a technological culture favors the emergence and development of technological capabilities in a given culture. We analyze here three approaches to the notion of technological culture: (a) epistemological, (b) descriptive and (c) prescriptive. We consider also a special kind of technological capability: that of innovation.Ítem Conquest, domination and otherness in Bartolomé de Las Casas(2012-11-25 00:00:00) Mora Rodríguez, Luis AdriánThis article attempts an innovative approach to the work of Bartolome de Las Casas. It is argued that such work should be approached as a work of theory and political philosophy beyond its importance as a work ethic or historical. It is argued that this approach allows us to observe and criticize the changes in the discourse of Las Casas, this enables to study in depth their connections and bridges with modern political thought. Then, some possible research lines are plotted.Ítem Professional ethics in education: An engagement in humanistic pedagogy(2012-11-25 00:00:00) Rojas Artavia, Carlos E.The professional ethics is not simply a deontology or a group of norms to govern the behavior of those who exercise a professional work, it is a commitment that goes beyond the written norm and it should become effective theoretical and practically. In the environment of education, to fulfill that commitment the educators must be aware of their practical, intellectual and moral possessions, as well as their duty of constantly developing them to put them to their student’s disposition and help them grow cognitive, affective and morally in an integral way.