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    Evaluación del efecto fitotóxico de dos fuentes de vinagre con potencial herbicida y su mezcla para el control de Poa annua L. y Amaranthus viridis L., en la Sub-Estación Fraijanes, Alajuela 2021
    (2022-07-21) Boza Allán, Álvaro; Portuguez García, Mary Pamela
    OBJETIVO GENERAL: Evaluar el efecto fitotóxico de dos fuentes de vinagre con potencial herbicida, por separado y en mezcla, sobre las malezas: Poa annua y Amaranthus viridis, en dos estadios de emergencia, en invernadero. OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS: • Evaluar la efectividad fitotóxica de las fuentes de ácido acético sobre las arvenses P. annua L. y A. viridis L. en post emergencia temprana y post emergencia tardía. • Comparar la efectividad de las dosis al 5% (v/v), 10% (v/v) y 15% (v/v) de las dos fuentes de vinagre y su mezcla, en post emergencia temprana y post emergencia tardía. • Comprobar si la mezcla de coadyuvante (heptametiltrisiloxano (84% p/p)) con las fuentes de ácido acético utilizadas, mejoran su capacidad fitotóxica, en ambos estadios de emergencia.
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    Pharmaceuticals, hazard and ecotoxicity in surface and wastewater in a tropical dairy production area in Latin America
    (2023) Ramírez Morales, Didier Daniel; Masís Mora, Mario Alberto; Montiel Mora, José Rolando; Méndez Rivera, Michael; Gutiérrez Quirós, Juan Antonio; Brenes Alfaro, Laura; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Carlos E.
    Pharmaceuticals comprise a complex group of emerging pollutants. Despite the significant number of pharmaceuticals used in veterinary medicine, the input of these compounds into the environment due to livestock activities has been scarcely described. This work assays for the first time in Central America the occurrence of pharmaceuticals in farm wastewater in an area devoted to dairy production, and in the surrounding surface waters. Among 69 monitored pharmaceuticals, a total of eight compounds were detected in wastewater samples collected from seven dairy farms after three sampling campaigns. Six pharmaceuticals were considered either of high (albendazole, lovastatin and caffeine) or intermediate estimated hazard (ciprofloxacin, acetaminophen and ketoprofen) based on the HQ approach, while 26% of the samples were considered of high estimated hazard according to the cumulative ∑HQ approach. Similarly, when ecotoxicological tests were applied, all the samples showed some level of toxicity towards Daphnia magna, and most samples towards Vibrio fischeri and Lactuca sativa. Fourteen pharmaceuticals were detected in surface water samples collected in the surroundings of the dairy production farms, including rural and urban areas. Seven out of these compounds showed high estimated risk (risperidone, diphenhydramine, trimethoprim, fluoxetine, ofloxacin, caffeine and ibuprofen), while three (gemfibrozil, ciprofloxacin and cephalexin) exhibited intermediate estimated risk. In a similar worrisome way, 27% of these samples were estimated to pose high environmental risk according to the pharmaceutical content. Despite being nontoxic for D. magna or V. fischeri, frequent inhibition (>20%) of GI in L. sativa was determined in 34% of surface water samples; such findings raise concern on the apparent inceptive environmental pollution and risk within the area. According to the pharmaceutical content patterns in both kinds of studied matrices, no clear evidence of significant contamination in surface water due to livestock activities could be retrieved, suggesting a main role of urban influence.
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    Wastewater monitoring for detection of public health markers during the COVID-19 pandemic: Near-source monitoring of schools in England over an academic year
    (2023-05-30) Hassard, Francis; Vu, Milan; Rahimzadeh, Shadi; Castro Gutiérrez, Víctor Manuel; Stanton, Isobel; Burczynska, Beata; Wildeboer, Dirk; Baio, Gianluca; Brown, Mathew R.; Garelick, Hemda; Hofman, Jan; Kasprzyk-Hordern, Barbara; Majeed, Azeem; Priest, Sally; Denise, Hubert; Khalifa, Mohammad; Bassano, Irene; Wade, Matthew J.; Grimsley, Jasmine; Lundy, Lian; Singer, Andrew C.; Di Cesare, Mariachiara
    Schools are high-risk settings for infectious disease transmission. Wastewater monitoring for infectious diseases has been used to identify and mitigate outbreaks in many near-source settings during the COVID-19 pandemic, including universities and hospitals but less is known about the technology when applied for school health protection. This study aimed to implement a wastewater surveillance system to detect SARS-CoV-2 and other public health markers from wastewater in schools in England.
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    Occurrence and risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in hospital wastewater in Costa Rica
    (2023) Rodríguez Rodríguez, Carlos E.; Ramírez Morales, Didier Daniel; Masís Mora, Mario Alberto; Montiel Mora, José Rolando; Soto Garita, Claudio; Araya Valverde, Emanuel; Cambronero Heinrichs, Juan Carlos; Sànchez Melsió, Alexandre; Briceño Guevara, Susana; Méndez Rivera, Michael; Balcázar, José Luis
    This work aims to determine the occurrence, hazard and prioritization of pharmaceuticals from hospital wastewater in Costa Rica through the monitoring of 70 compounds and assessing their environmental risk through a hazard quotient approach (HQ). Moreover, the quantification of selected antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) was conducted for the first time in this matrix in this geographical location. Thirty-four pharmaceuticals were detected, being caffeine, 1,7-dimethylxanthine, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, naproxen, ciprofloxacin and ketoprofen the most frequent (>50% of the samples). Eighteen pharmaceuticals exhibited high hazard (HQ ≥ 1), while five more showed medium hazard (1 > HQ ≥ 0.1). Prioritization, which also included frequency parameters, revealed caffeine, lovastatin, diphenhydramine, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, ciprofloxacin, and sildenafil as the compounds of major concern. Similarly, cumulative hazard per sample (ΣHQ) estimated high hazard towards aquatic organisms in every sample. All selected ARGs, except mcr-1 (polymyxin resistance), were detected. Among genes conferring resistance to beta-lactams, blaCTX-M and blaKPC were the most abundant, related to resistance to cephalosporins and carbapenems. Ecotoxicological evaluation showed mostly low toxicity towards Daphnia magna and Vibrio fischeri, contrary to the marked effect observed towards Lactuca sativa. These findings provide relevant and novel information on the risk posed by hospital wastewater and their pharmaceutical content in the Latin American environmental context.
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    Erwiniaceae bacteria play defensive and nutritional roles in two widespread ambrosia beetles
    (2023) Cambronero Heinrichs, Juan Carlos; Battisti, Andrea; Biedermann, Peter Hans Wilhelm; Cavaletto, Giacomo; Castro Gutiérrez, Víctor Manuel; Favaro, Lorenzo; Santoiemma, Giacomo; Rassati, Davide
    Ambrosia beetles are fungal-growing insects excavating galleries deep inside the wood. Their success as invaders increased scientific interest towards them. However, most studies on their microbiota targeted their fungal associates whereas the role of bacterial associates is understudied. To explore the role of abundant microbial associates, we isolated bacteria from active galleries of two widespread ambrosia beetles, Xylosandrus crassiusculus and X. germanus. These isolates were classified within the Erwiniaceae family and through a phylogenetic analysis including isolates from other insects we showed that they clustered with isolates obtained from ambrosia and bark beetles, including Erwinia typographi. The whole genome analysis of the isolate from active galleries of X. crassiusculus suggested that this bacterium plays both a nutritional role, by providing essential amino acids and enzymes for the hydrolysis of plant biomass, and a defensive role, by producing antibiotics. This defensive role was also tested in vitro against fungi, including mutualists, common associates, and parasites. The bacteria inhibited the growth of some of the common associates and parasites but did not affect mutualists. Our study supported the hypothesis of a mutualist role of Erwiniaceae bacteria in ambrosia beetles and highlighed the importance of bacteria in maintaining the symbiosis of their host with nutritional fungi.
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    Prediction of molecular initiating events for adverse outcome pathways using high-throughput identification of chemical targets
    (2023) Lizano Fallas, Verónica; Carrasco del Amor, Ana; Cristobal, Susana
    The impact of exposure to multiple chemicals raises concerns for human and environmental health. The adverse outcome pathway method offers a framework to support mechanism-based assessment in environmental health starting by describing which mechanisms are triggered upon interaction with different stressors. The identification of the molecular initiating event and the molecular interaction between a chemical and a protein target is still a challenge for the development of adverse outcome pathways. The cellular response to chemical exposure studied with omics could not directly identify the protein targets. However, recent mass spectrometry-based methods are offering a proteome-wide identification of protein targets interacting with s but unrevealing a molecular initiating event from a set of targets is still dependent on available knowledge. Here, we directly coupled the target identification findings from the proteome integral solubility alteration assay with an analytical hierarchy process for the prediction of a prioritized molecular initiating event. We demonstrate the applicability of this combination of methodologies with a test compound (TCDD), and it could be further studied and integrated into AOPs. From the eight protein targets identified by the proteome integral solubility alteration assay after analyzing 2824 human hepatic proteins, the analytical hierarchy process can select the most suitable protein for an AOP. Our combined method solves the missing links between high-throughput target identification and prediction of the molecular initiating event. We anticipate its utility to decipher new molecular initiating events and support more sustainable methodologies to gain time and resources in chemical assessment.
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    Siembra de un árbol de aguacate
    (2023-05-23) Monge Pérez, José Eladio; Loría Coto, Michelle
    Se describe el proceso de siembra de un árbol de aguacate.
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    Siembra de un árbol de limón mandarina
    (2023-05-23) Monge Pérez, José Eladio; Loría Coto, Michelle
    Se describe el proceso de siembra de un árbol de limón mandarina.
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    Trabajos publicados en la Revista Agronomía Mesoamericana 1990-2021
    (2022) Villegas Alpízar, Meliza; Araya Villalobos, Rodolfo
    El objetivo de este documento es orientar a los interesados en acceder a las publicaciones de la revista Agronomía Mesoamericana, desde su primer volumen y número, efectuado en 1990 y ubicadas en el Portal de Revistas Académicas de la Universidad de Costa Rica
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    Interacciones hospedante-patógeno
    (2021-10-23) Monge Pérez, José Eladio
    Se destacan los elementos más importantes en la relación hospedante-patógeno en enfermedades de plantas.
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    La huerta casera
    (2021-06) Monge Pérez, José Eladio; Loría Coto, Michelle
    La presentación trata de cómo organizar una huerta casera, donde se menciona que requieren las plantas para crecer, dónde y qué sembrar, las partes de la planta, la preparación del suelo y cómo sembrar de acuerdo al tipo de plantas ya sean medicinales o aromáticas.
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    Sandía; importancia a nivel mundial
    (2013-04) Monge Pérez, José Eladio; Loría Coto, Michelle
    La presentación trata de la importancia de la sandía a nivel mundial, su origen, usos y producción (principales productores, exportadores e importadores).
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    Sandía; diversidad genética
    (2013-04) Monge Pérez, José Eladio; Loría Coto, Michelle
    La presentación contiene fotografías en relación con la diversidad genética de la sandía.
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    Tipos de sandía en Costa Rica
    (2013-04) Monge Pérez, José Eladio; Loría Coto, Michelle
    La presentación contiene fotografías de los principales tipos de sandía producidos en Costa Rica.
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    Producción de sandía en Costa Rica
    (2013-04) Monge Pérez, José Eladio; Loría Coto, Michelle
    La presentación es sobre la producción de sandía en Costa Rica, en relación con el tema de exportación, la evolución de las áreas sembradas y la distribución de la cantidad de contenedores exportados.
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    Sandía; prácticas de cultivo
    (2013-04) Monge Pérez, José Eladio; Loría Coto, Michelle
    La presentación trata de las prácticas de cultivo de la fruta de sandía como los requerimientos climáticos y de suelos del cultivo, cultivares utilizados, preparación del terreno, siembra, cosecha, uso de polinizador en sandías triploides y uso de coberturas plásticas, riego y protección del fruto.
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    Sandía; fitoprotección
    (2013-04) Monge Pérez, José Eladio; Loría Coto, Michelle
    La presentación contiene fotografías sobre el fruto de sandía; además, trata de algunos insectos plaga, enfermedades, estrategias del manejo integrado de plagas y control biológico del cultivo.
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    Sandía; cosecha
    (2013-04) Monge Pérez, José Eladio; Loría Coto, Michelle
    La presentación trata de la cosecha del cultivo de sandía, contiene información de los criterios de cosecha, calidad del fruto, manejo poscosecha, proceso en la planta empacadora, tratamientos fungicidas y transporte.
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    Sandía; compromiso ambiental y tendencias de mercado
    (2013-04) Monge Pérez, José Eladio; Loría Coto, Michelle
    La presentación contiene fotografías sobre la fruta de sandía, en relación con el compromiso ambiental, la recolección de residuos, la inocuidad y las tendencias de mercado.
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    Producción de melón en Costa Rica
    (2013-04) Monge Pérez, José Eladio; Loría Coto, Michelle
    La presentación trata de la producción del cultivo de melón en Costa Rica, sobre su historia y exportación.