Revista de Matemáticas 4(2)

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  • Ítem
    Asignación óptima de recursos
    (2009-02-18 00:00:00) Ávila Herrera, Juan Félix
    This work is on optimal assignation of resources. The proposed model is based on Net Flow Theory and here we give some indications for an efficient implementation of the model.
  • Ítem
    Analyis on the vascular epiphytes of tree ferns in a montane rain forest in Costa Rica
    (2009-02-18 00:00:00) Bittner, Jens; Trejos Zelaya, Javier
    The relationships between epiphytes and host specifity are known. We investigated the relation between specific epiphytes and tree fern trunks. Only some epiphytes are frequent or very frequent on tree ferns. Most of the epiphyte species are unspecific on these trunks. Blechnum fragile are the only found exclusively on tree ferns. We also observed different epiphyte communities dependent on the tree fern species and the morphology of the tree trunk.
  • Ítem
    Precuantización en difeologías suaves
    (2009-02-18 00:00:00) Torre, Carlos
    We define a prequantization in the category of smooth diffeological spaces ( a category which includes finite an infinite dimensional systems), in the case where the symplectic form is exact, extending, for this case, the results of Kirillov, Kostant and Souriau which are devoloped for finite dimensional Physical systems.
  • Ítem
    Algoritmo e implementación del análisis factorial de correspondencias
    (2009-02-18 00:00:00) Castillo Elizondo, William; Rodríguez Rojas, Oldemar
    In this article, it is presented an algorithm in pseudo-code for the Factor Analysis of Correspondence. Some comments on the implementationn on C++ are also developed. Finally, the method is illustrated by an example.
  • Ítem
    Algoritmos de reducción para bigráficas diferenciales
    (2012-03-29 00:00:00) Boza Cordero, Juan
    Se estudian tres algoritmos de reducción para bigráficas diferenciales: regularización, eliminación de objetos y reducción de una flecha. En cada caso se determina la bigráfica resultante y la relación entre las respectivas categorías de representaciones. Éstos algoritmos se aplican luego a las bigráficas 'schurian'.
  • Ítem
    The Hankel transform of causal distributions
    (2012-03-29 00:00:00) Aguirre T., Manuel A.
    In this note we evaluate the unidimensional distributional Hankel transform of \dfrac{x^{\alpha-1}_{+}}{\Gamma^{\alpha}},\dfrac{x^{\alpha-1}_{-}}{\Gamma^{\alpha}},dfrac{|x|^{\alpha-1}}{\Gamma^{\frac{\alpha}{2}}},dfrac{|x|^{\alpha-1}sgn(x)}{\Gamma^{\frac{\alpha +1}{2}}} and (x± i0)^{\alpha-1} and then we extend the formulae to certain kinds of n-dimensional distributions calles "causal" and "anti-causal" distributions. We evaluate the distributional Handel transform of \dfrac{(m^2+P)^{\alpha -1}_{-}}{\Gamma^{(\alpha)} }, \dfrac{|m^2+P|^{\alpha -1}_{-}}{\Gamma^{(\frac{\alpha}{2})}}, \dfrac{|m^2+P|^{\alpha -1}sgn(m^2+P)}{\Gamma (\frac{\alpha +1}{2 })} and (m^2+P±i0)^{\alpha-1}
  • Ítem
    Sobre la continuidad de la proyección métrica
    (2012-03-29 00:00:00) Morales, José R.
    En esta nota mostraremos que la proyección métrica asociada a subespacios de Chebyshev en espacios de Banach que poseen la propiedad ( w M) es una aplicación continua.