humanidades 5(1)

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  • Ítem
    Grace Herrera Amighetti
    (2015-05-31 00:00:00) Alpízar Lobo, Ariana; Blanco Murillo, Patricia
    Se reconoce la extensa y valiosa carrera de la artista.
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    Cardumen, la música del sueño
    (2015-05-31 00:00:00) Boccanera, Jorge
    Análisis sobre la presencia del mar en el poemario de Rodolfo Dada.
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    (2015-05-31 00:00:00) Hernández Campos, Ronald Gerardo
    Se presentan, en tres microrrelatos, relaciones mediadas por la cosificación de la programación de las convenciones, en la que los sentimientos -en particular el amor- resultan cuestionables en su autenticidad.
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    A Multivariate analysis model. The image of General Studies and management quality
    (2015-05-31 00:00:00) Rodríguez Bolaños, José Alberto
    The article focuses on the design, theoretical foundation and practical application of the model of multivariate or factorial analysis to measure the quality of customer service (general studies students) by the faculty. The article is divided into three parts: the first is a theoretical introduction on service quality, continuous improvement, the importance of statistical data and systematic evaluation. The second part is a reflection on the quantitative and qualitative methods, and its importance in the measurement of social processes, in particular about the model I designed for the School of General Studies. In the third part the technical characteristics and the statistics of the multivariable model are explained, as well as the variables and factors of the study, the comparative results in terms of management indicators by factor and variables for the School and its divisions.
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    From Columbus to globalism: The construction of western hegemony
    (2015-05-31 00:00:00) Madrigal Muñoz, Eduardo
    The process of Globalization we live today has put us in front of the necessity of studying History in terms of global processes -namely those that verify themselves in the world level-, not only as a description of events, but from an analytical and scientific approach. This process –so far unique in human history- has been characterized by an integration of international markets, an unprecedented development of technology –particularly the computer science-, a geopoliticsgoverned by the interaction of economic blocks, and the emergence of a global culture. We do not find the existence until 1492, the real unification of the world in terms of markets, because this is the first attempt of constructing a hegemonic global form of civilization that has been called the “Modernity.” This new style of civilization will be characterized by a rational model of thought and a rationalized form of managing economy and politics, the latter known as the Modern State, who will reorganice of global exchange structures in favour of Europe occurs, as the ruling center of the world, and stays in position to impose its Modernity to the other cultures of theplanet. Modernity becomes the foremost model of evolution, development and global progress which impose to the other cultures of the planet.
  • Ítem
    Marcos narrativos y emergentes contra-narrativos de la violencia en Colombia
    (2015-05-31 00:00:00) Cartagena Núñez, Catalina
    En un primer momento, en este artículo se pretende mostrar cómo la violentología, en tanto saber experto sobre la violencia en Colombia, desplegó una macrolectura de país que facilitó la representación de la violencia en términos temporales, esto es, pasado, presente y futuro; y al mismo tiempo concentró sentidos sociales e institucionales, movilizando y reconfigurando un régimen de verdad sobre esta. Luego, en un segundo momento, se procura abordar las contra-narrativas emergentes; se exponen la lucha de sentido y las lecturas alternativas en torno al fenómeno.
  • Ítem
    The importance of being called Lilia
    (2015-05-31 00:00:00) Fallas Arias, Teresa
    In this inquiry on the ‘autobiografía’ (autobiography) and the ‘curriculum operis’ of the Costa Rican writer Lilia Ramos I glimpse at the change of name scrounged by Lilia since her infancy, as a kind of incantation in which she asserts and reinvents herself since she was a little girl, to shine intellectually, academically and professionally as an adult, when she manages to transmute her ‘ugliness’ complex into vital resistance. I focus this reading on the perspective written by Judith Butler in the book Language, power and identity, a text in which the rhetoric refers to the violent and injurious action of names and their relationship with personal identity.
  • Ítem
    The difficult waking up of Lazarus of Bethany
    (2015-05-31 22:39:12) Arias Orozco, Grettel Mariana
    This paper discuss how the principal character of the Costa Rican novel El despertar de Lázaro (2003) of Julieta Pinto tears up the eternal silence of the biblical character, which allows to deconstruct the biblical tale and to perceive Lazarus as a real person in “blood and flesh”. Additionally, he experiences a double exile, as once dead he is forced to come back to life; due to this he no longer belongs to life nor to death. As a result, this literary character is built as the other or the unacceptable otherness.  
  • Ítem
    El acto de habla de la diatriba de hablante femenino en un contexto matrimonial en crisis: el caso de Diatriba de amor contra un hombre sentado, de Gabriel García Márquez
    (2015-05-31 22:39:11) Cuvardic García, Dorde
    El monólogo teatral siempre ha expresado las confesiones íntimas de sus hablantes. Es la función que también adquiere en Diatriba de amor contra un hombre sentado, la única obra teatral de Gabriel García Márquez y uno de los textos del autor colombiano que menor atención crítica ha recibido. El propósito del presente artículo es analizar este monólogo desde la pragmática literaria, entendiendo la diatriba como un acto de habla expresivo determinado por los papeles de sus protagonistas y por los específicos recursos enunciativos, temáticos y retóricos utilizados por el hablante. En el texto que nos ocupa, la diatriba es emitida por una esposa, en el marco de una crisis matrimonial. Como denuncia del machismo de la cultura patriarcal latinoamericana, se puede entender, en consecuencia, como una resemantización feminista de las tradicionales diatribas misóginas.