Quince razones para estudiar derecho romano en el siglo XXI: Reflexiones desde la "cultura jurídica" de un advenedizo
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Argüello Rojas, Luis Mariano
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La presente reflexión contraría abiertamente aquella obstinada corriente universitaria que en Costa Rica mira al Derecho Romano con desprecio y que, sin mayores bases de sustento, lo considera como una materia que consiste en poco menos que una pérdida de tiempo. Teniendo presente el destino de soledad que en ocasiones acompaña al jurista de buena fe, estas heterogéneas razones se han cimentado a contracorriente en procura de negar con fundamentos el eco de voces que con afán modernista —o quizá: populista— alzan sus pérfidas banderas pretendiendo publicitar como irrelevante todo lo heredado de los procesos de formación histórico-dogmática de las instituciones jurídicas
The present reflection openly opposes that obstinate university current that in Costa Rica looks at Roman Law with contempt and that, without major bases of support, considers it as a matter that consists of little less than a waste of time. Keeping in mind the fate of solitude that sometimes accompanies the bona fide jurist, these heterogeneous reasons have been founded against the current in an attempt to deny with grounds the echo of voices that with modernist —or perhaps, populist— eagerness raise their perfidious flags pretending to publicize with contempt everything inherited from the processes of historical-dogmatic formation of legal institutions.
The present reflection openly opposes that obstinate university current that in Costa Rica looks at Roman Law with contempt and that, without major bases of support, considers it as a matter that consists of little less than a waste of time. Keeping in mind the fate of solitude that sometimes accompanies the bona fide jurist, these heterogeneous reasons have been founded against the current in an attempt to deny with grounds the echo of voices that with modernist —or perhaps, populist— eagerness raise their perfidious flags pretending to publicize with contempt everything inherited from the processes of historical-dogmatic formation of legal institutions.
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