Análisis económico de la asociación cafeto (Coffea arabica L.) - frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) en cafetales con poda sistemática
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GonzálezMora, Walter
Gutiérrez C., Ricardo
Araya Villalobos, Rodolfo
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Universidad de Costa Rica
Se realizó un estudio en seis fincas de la empresa “Cafetalera Tournón Ltda”, en Heredia, para determinar la utilidad económica que el frijol puede producir al sembrarse en asociación con caféto. El cafeto cultivar Caturra se caracterizó por tener 10 años de edad, manejo sin sombra y un sistema de poda Hawaiiano con ciclo de cinco años. En mayo de 1985, se sembraron dos cultivares de frijol (Huetar y Talamanca), a una densidad de 50.000 plantas por hectárea y a ambos lados de la hilera de cafeto podado. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la producción de Huetar y Talamanca. El gasto total adicional debido al frijol fue de ₡7.549,50/ha sembrada de cafeto, el gasto de materiales y mano de obra fue de ₡2.639,75/ha y ₡3.569,45/ha respectivamente. La asociación fue rentable con el uso de mano de obra fija (105,81% de utilidad bruta sobre gasto adicional), mientras que con mano de obra contratada no fue rentable (9,80%; sin deducción de intereses y depreciación). Hubo correlación lineal negativa de la producción y gasto de materiales con respecto al área sembrada (r = -0,8325; P ≤ 0,05, y r = -0,7928; P ≤ 0,10).
A study was conducted , in six coffee plantations in Heredia – Costa Rica, in order to determine the economic return of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown in association with coffee. The coffee plantation was ten years old, grown unshaded and pruned by the Hawaiian system on a five year cycle. In May 1985, two bean cultivars (Huetar and Talamanca) were planted, using a population of 50 000 plants/ha, on both sides of the pruned row of coffee. There were no significant differences in yield among the cultivars. The total added expense charged on the beans was ₡7 549.50/ha ₡2 639.75/ha and ₡3 569.45/ha, respectively. The association was profitable when fixed hand labor was utilized (105.81% gross return over added expense), but with hired hand labor it was not profitable (9.80%, before deducting interests and depreciation). There was a negative lineal correlation of the yield and expense of materials with the planted area (r = -0.8325, P ≤ 0.05; and r = -0.7928, P ≤ 0.10).
A study was conducted , in six coffee plantations in Heredia – Costa Rica, in order to determine the economic return of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown in association with coffee. The coffee plantation was ten years old, grown unshaded and pruned by the Hawaiian system on a five year cycle. In May 1985, two bean cultivars (Huetar and Talamanca) were planted, using a population of 50 000 plants/ha, on both sides of the pruned row of coffee. There were no significant differences in yield among the cultivars. The total added expense charged on the beans was ₡7 549.50/ha ₡2 639.75/ha and ₡3 569.45/ha, respectively. The association was profitable when fixed hand labor was utilized (105.81% gross return over added expense), but with hired hand labor it was not profitable (9.80%, before deducting interests and depreciation). There was a negative lineal correlation of the yield and expense of materials with the planted area (r = -0.8325, P ≤ 0.05; and r = -0.7928, P ≤ 0.10).