Eficiencia técnica en hatos lecheros en Costa Rica.
artículo original
Vargas Leitón, Bernardo
Solís Guzmán, Oscar
Sáenz Segura, Fernando
León Hidalgo, Héctor
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Universidad de Costa Rica
El objetivo de este trabajo fue cuantificar índices de eficiencia técnica de 1086 hatos lecheros de Costa Rica (año 2007) utilizando Análisis de Frontera Estocástica. El modelo base analizó la variable endógena logaritmo de Producción de Sólidos Lácteos (kg/ha/semana) en función de catorce variables predictoras relacionadas con aspectos físicos y de manejo. El promedio general de sólidos lácteos fue 32,5±23,5 kg, siendo más alto en lecherías especializadas intensivas de altura (83,9 kg), seguidas por las intensivas de bajura (51,0 kg), semi-intensivas de altura (33,8 kg), extensivas de bajura (23,0 kg) y doble propósito de bajura (8,5 kg). Las variables predictoras asociadas (P<0,001) con producción de sólidos fueron la carga animal, aplicación de fertilizante, suministro de concentrado, proporción de ganado especializado, altitud y área de pastoreo. Un incremento de 1% en estas variables se asoció respectivamente con cambios de 0,85%, 0,07%, 0,07%, 0,19%, 0,15% y -0,10% en sólidos lácteos. El promedio general de eficiencia técnica fue 0,75±0,09. Al agregar la tipología de hato como variable predictora en el modelo el promedio de eficiencia se incrementó a 0,79±0,07; mientras que al ajustar el modelo separadamente para cada tipología el promedio de eficiencia fue de 0,77±0,11. Se prefirió este último estimado, ya que reflejó de manera más adecuada la heterogeneidad en la elasticidad de las variables predictoras entre distintas tipologías.
The objective of this work was to quantify technical efficiency in 1086 dairy farms from Costa Rica (year 2007) using Stochastic Frontier Analysis. The base model analyzed the endogenous variable logarithm of Milk Solids (kg/ha/week) as a function of 14 different predictive variables related to physical and management aspects. Overall mean for milk solids was 32.5±23.5 kg, with the highest mean for typology of Specialized Intensive Dairy Herds from the Highlands (83.9 kg), followed by Intensive Dairy Herds from the Lowlands (51.0 kg), Semi-Intensive Dairy Herds from the Highlands (33.8 kg), Extensive Dairy Herds from the Lowlands (23.0 kg) and Dual Purpose Herds from the Lowlands (8.5 kg). Variables associated (P<0,001) to milk solids were stocking rate, fertilizer application, concentrate feeding, proportion of cattle from specialized dairy breed, altitude and grazing area. An increase of 1% in these variables was associated with a change of 0,85%, 0,07%, 0,07%, 0,19%, 0,15% and -0,10% in milk solids, respectively. Overall technical efficiency was 0,75±0,09. When farm typology was added as a predictor into the model, efficiency increased to 0,79±0,07, whereas adjusting the model separately for each farm typology resulted in an overall efficiency of 0,77±0,11. The latter was preferred because better reflects heterogeneous elasticity of predictive variables between different typologies.
The objective of this work was to quantify technical efficiency in 1086 dairy farms from Costa Rica (year 2007) using Stochastic Frontier Analysis. The base model analyzed the endogenous variable logarithm of Milk Solids (kg/ha/week) as a function of 14 different predictive variables related to physical and management aspects. Overall mean for milk solids was 32.5±23.5 kg, with the highest mean for typology of Specialized Intensive Dairy Herds from the Highlands (83.9 kg), followed by Intensive Dairy Herds from the Lowlands (51.0 kg), Semi-Intensive Dairy Herds from the Highlands (33.8 kg), Extensive Dairy Herds from the Lowlands (23.0 kg) and Dual Purpose Herds from the Lowlands (8.5 kg). Variables associated (P<0,001) to milk solids were stocking rate, fertilizer application, concentrate feeding, proportion of cattle from specialized dairy breed, altitude and grazing area. An increase of 1% in these variables was associated with a change of 0,85%, 0,07%, 0,07%, 0,19%, 0,15% and -0,10% in milk solids, respectively. Overall technical efficiency was 0,75±0,09. When farm typology was added as a predictor into the model, efficiency increased to 0,79±0,07, whereas adjusting the model separately for each farm typology resulted in an overall efficiency of 0,77±0,11. The latter was preferred because better reflects heterogeneous elasticity of predictive variables between different typologies.