Evaluación de intervalos de riego en frijol (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Talamanca), en la Estación Experimental Fabio Baudrit M.
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Morera V., Juan Luis
Araya Villalobos, Rodolfo
Chaves F., Carlos A.
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Universidad de Costa Rica
En la Estación Experimental fabio Baudrit, Alajuela, Costa Rica, se evaluó el cultivar de frijol Talamanca, al regarse a intervalos de 7,14 y 21 días, en parcelas de 22 lomillos distanciados a 0,6m y de 90m de longitud (área por tratamiento 1188 m²), con una población inicial de 333.000 plantas/ha. El riesgo fue superficial por surcos y con una duración de cinco horas. La medición de las variables consistió en muestrear 25 veces por tratamiento en forma aleatoria las áreas de tres parcelas, con un marco de 1 m². Los datos se analizaron con base en un diseño irrestricto al azar. Conforme el intervalo entre riesgos fue mayor, la producción de grano y el valor del coeficiente del cultivo disminuyó, Las mayores demandas de agua se presentaron entre los 30 y 50 días después de la siembra, periodo que abarcó la floración e inicio del llenado de las vainas. Hubo una reducción severa del desarrollo del frijol con riego a intervalos de 21 días, con una disminución en la altura de planta de 41%. El último riego se aplicó 26 días después de la floración, pero 18 días después de la aplicación de este riego se detectó acúmulo de peso en el grano (madurez fisiológica en vaina).
An assay was conducted at the fabio Baudrit Experimental Station, Alajuela – Costa Rica, in order to study the effect of the irrigation intervals of 7,14 and 21 days on the yield of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Talamanca ). Each plot consisted of 22 rows of 90m of length and at 0.60m from one another (total area of 1188 m²), and with an initial population of 333 000 plants/ha. The rows were surface irrigated during five hours. The variables’ data was obtained by sampling at random, the area of the three plots, 25 times per treatment, using a 1m² frame. The data was analyzed based on a complete randomized design. As the irrigation interval increased, the grain yield and the coefficient value of the crop decreased. The crop demanded the largest amounts of water during the periods of blooming and initial filling of the pods, from 30 to 50 days after planting. Plant height was reduced by 41% when irrigated every 21 days. The last irrigation was conducted 26 days after blooming, and the largest weight gain of the seeds (physiological maturity) was detected 18 days later.
An assay was conducted at the fabio Baudrit Experimental Station, Alajuela – Costa Rica, in order to study the effect of the irrigation intervals of 7,14 and 21 days on the yield of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Talamanca ). Each plot consisted of 22 rows of 90m of length and at 0.60m from one another (total area of 1188 m²), and with an initial population of 333 000 plants/ha. The rows were surface irrigated during five hours. The variables’ data was obtained by sampling at random, the area of the three plots, 25 times per treatment, using a 1m² frame. The data was analyzed based on a complete randomized design. As the irrigation interval increased, the grain yield and the coefficient value of the crop decreased. The crop demanded the largest amounts of water during the periods of blooming and initial filling of the pods, from 30 to 50 days after planting. Plant height was reduced by 41% when irrigated every 21 days. The last irrigation was conducted 26 days after blooming, and the largest weight gain of the seeds (physiological maturity) was detected 18 days later.