La dirección actoral como eje de la puesta en escena. Una propuesta metodológica para la pedagogía en dirección teatral
tesis de maestría
Cardozo Sales, Eduardo Fabián
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La creación en teatro siempre ha tenido relación con el aprendizaje. Desde la
perspectiva de la creación artística escénica profesional, el proceso, que hace camino
desde los primeros ensayos hasta el estreno e inclusive hasta la última función,
puede conllevar un alto contenido pedagógico. Durante el desarrollo teórico-práctico
de nuestra experiencia académica y profesional hemos constatado que las
experiencias de creación escénica, cuando se realizan mediante procesos
colaborativos de investigación, siempre desarrollan conocimiento, no solamente
relacionados con la obra particular que se elabora, sino, asimismo, con las
herramientas creativas y los conceptos básicos de la dirección teatral como tal. Luego
de veinticinco años de investigación en dirección teatral mediante el desarrollo de una
metodología particular, la proponemos en este estudio para exponerla en contenido y
forma, con el objetivo de valorar su idoneidad en la pedagogía en dirección teatral.
Aquí, mediante un trabajo de campo específico guiado por los principios de la
investigación-acción, analizamos sus alcances y limitaciones.
Creation in theater has always been related to learning. From the perspective of professional scenic artistic creation, the process, which leads from the first rehearsals to the premiere and even to the last performance, can lead to high pedagogical content. During the theoretical-practical development of our academic and professional experience we have verified that the experiences of scenic creation, when carried out through collaborative research processes, always develop knowledge, not only related to the particular work elaborated, also with the creative tools and the basic concepts of theatrical direction as such. After twenty-five years of research in theatrical direction through the development of a particular methodology, we propose it in this study to expose it in content and form, with the objective of assessing its suitability in pedagogy in theatrical direction. Here, through a specific field work guided by the principles of action research, we analyze its scope and limitations.
Creation in theater has always been related to learning. From the perspective of professional scenic artistic creation, the process, which leads from the first rehearsals to the premiere and even to the last performance, can lead to high pedagogical content. During the theoretical-practical development of our academic and professional experience we have verified that the experiences of scenic creation, when carried out through collaborative research processes, always develop knowledge, not only related to the particular work elaborated, also with the creative tools and the basic concepts of theatrical direction as such. After twenty-five years of research in theatrical direction through the development of a particular methodology, we propose it in this study to expose it in content and form, with the objective of assessing its suitability in pedagogy in theatrical direction. Here, through a specific field work guided by the principles of action research, we analyze its scope and limitations.
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