Amenaza contextual matemática, ansiedad matemática y memoria de trabajo: su papel en el desempeño en problemas intuitivos de una tarea matemática
artículo original
Víquez García, Leiner
Smith Castro, Vanessa
Rojas Torres, Luis
Rodríguez Villagra, Odir Antonio
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Una persona está expuesta a una amenaza contextual matemática si, antes de realizar una tarea, se enfatiza explícitamente el carácter matemático de la misma y se indica que a partir de su desempeño la persona será perfilada en matemática y comparada con otras personas. Se manipula experimentalmente la exposición a la amenaza contextual matemática para explorar el efecto sobre el desempeño en los problemas intuitivos de una tarea, considerando casos en los que un indicador situacional confirma (o no) la amenaza. Se analizan resultados de 111 personas estudiantes universitarias costarricenses (edad promedio M=21.04 años, desviación estándar SD=3.05, 58 mujeres, 53 varones). Además, se controlan variables de ansiedad matemática y capacidad de memoria de trabajo. Se ajustan modelos
lineales de efectos mixtos con los que se obtuvo evidencia del efecto estadísticamente significativo de la ansiedad matemática sobre los dos indicadores de desempeño (precisión y tiempo de respuesta) y de la capacidad de memoria
de trabajo sobre la precisión. El análisis de los datos sugiere que la condición de amenaza contextual matemática no influye sobre el desempeño en la resolución de problemas intuitivos.
A person is exposed to a mathematical contextual threat if, before performing a task, the mathematical nature of the task is explicitly emphasized, and it is indicated that based on his or her performance the person will be profiled in mathematics and compared with other people. Exposure to mathematical contextual threat is experimentally manipulated to explore the effect on performance on insight problems of a task, considering cases in which a situational indicator confirms (or does not) the threat. Results from 111 Costa Rican university students are analyzed (average age M = 21.04 years, standard deviation SD = 3.05, 58 women, 53 men). In addition, mathematics anxiety and working memory capacity variables are controlled. Linear mixed effects models were fitted with which evidence was obtained of the statistically significant effect of mathematics anxiety on the two performance indicators (accuracy and response time) and of working memory capacity on precision. The analysis of the data suggests that the mathematical contextual threat condition does not influence performance in solving insight problems
A person is exposed to a mathematical contextual threat if, before performing a task, the mathematical nature of the task is explicitly emphasized, and it is indicated that based on his or her performance the person will be profiled in mathematics and compared with other people. Exposure to mathematical contextual threat is experimentally manipulated to explore the effect on performance on insight problems of a task, considering cases in which a situational indicator confirms (or does not) the threat. Results from 111 Costa Rican university students are analyzed (average age M = 21.04 years, standard deviation SD = 3.05, 58 women, 53 men). In addition, mathematics anxiety and working memory capacity variables are controlled. Linear mixed effects models were fitted with which evidence was obtained of the statistically significant effect of mathematics anxiety on the two performance indicators (accuracy and response time) and of working memory capacity on precision. The analysis of the data suggests that the mathematical contextual threat condition does not influence performance in solving insight problems
Palabras clave
amenaza, ansiedad matemática, memoria de trabajo, problemas intuitivos, desempeño matemático