Polimorfismo perverso: un tensor entre el psicoanálisis, la filosofía queer y el arte de la performance
tesis de maestría
Brenes Vargas, Alonso
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La presente investigación explora el potencial contra-normativo que la formulación freudiana de la «disposición perversa polimorfa» podría desplegar como tensor entre tres nichos epistémicos: el psicoanálisis, la filosofía queer, y el arte de la performance. Esto partiendo de la hipótesis de que dicho potencial habilita una concepción anti-teleológica, pos-esencialista e inmanente del cuerpo y la sexualidad.
The present research explores the counter-normative potential that Freud's formulation of the «polymorphous-perverse disposition» could deploy as a tensioner between three epistemic niches: psychoanalysis, queer philosophy, and performance art. This is based on the hypothesis that this potential enables an anti-teleological, post-essentialist and immanent conception of the body and sexuality.
The present research explores the counter-normative potential that Freud's formulation of the «polymorphous-perverse disposition» could deploy as a tensioner between three epistemic niches: psychoanalysis, queer philosophy, and performance art. This is based on the hypothesis that this potential enables an anti-teleological, post-essentialist and immanent conception of the body and sexuality.
Palabras clave
Sexualidad, Psicoanálisis, Filosofía cultural, Estética, filosofía queer, corporalidad