Formulaicón sucinta de la tesis: Hacia una nueva racionalidad económica
documento de trabajo
Reuben Soto, Sergio
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La hipótesis que se ha venido desarrolando, que explica la naturaleza viciosa de los equilibrios que alcanzan los sistemas de producción nacionales regentados por el capital, dirigidos por la racionalidad capitalista, determinada por la lógica de la acumulación de capital es la que se origina en el señalamiento hecho por Marx, de la tendencia a la concentración y centralización del capital (Reuben-Soto, 2008, 2012, 2018). Estos equilibrios espúrios del sistema son importantes determinantes de los resultados económico-sociales deficientes que pueden observarse en los últimos años, en buena parte de la geografía que hoy se conoce como Occidente, y que explican lo que se ha llamado el malestar de las naciones. La tesis que se expone en este documento de trabajo es una apretada síntesis de los artículos publicados por el autor en varias revistas académicas, en los últimos años.
The hypothesis that has been developed, which explains the vicious nature of the balances reached by national production systems governed by capital, directed by capitalist rationality, determined by the logic of capital accumulation, is the one that originates in the remark made by Marx, of the tendency to the concentration and centralization of capital (Reuben-Soto, 2008, 2012, 2018). These spurious balances of the system are important determinants of the poor economic and social results that can be observed in recent years, in much of the geography that is now known as the West, and that explain what has been called the malaise of nations. The thesis presented in this working document is a brief summary of the articles published by the author in various academic journals in recent years.
The hypothesis that has been developed, which explains the vicious nature of the balances reached by national production systems governed by capital, directed by capitalist rationality, determined by the logic of capital accumulation, is the one that originates in the remark made by Marx, of the tendency to the concentration and centralization of capital (Reuben-Soto, 2008, 2012, 2018). These spurious balances of the system are important determinants of the poor economic and social results that can be observed in recent years, in much of the geography that is now known as the West, and that explain what has been called the malaise of nations. The thesis presented in this working document is a brief summary of the articles published by the author in various academic journals in recent years.
Palabras clave
Principio económico, Crisis del capitalismo, Oligopolio y monopolio, Racionalidad capitalista, Mercados Imperfectos, Desigualdad social, Distribución ineficiente, Acumulación de capital, Equilibrios macroeconomicos viciosos