La incidencia de la conducta procesal de las partes en la apreciación probatoria: ¿una “manzana de la discordia” en el proceso civil costarricense?
artículo original
Argüello Rojas, Luis Mariano
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La presente investigación determina las implicaciones que produce la conducta procesal de las partes a
nivel de la apreciación (interpretación y valoración) del acervo probatorio. Así, se proyecta un sintético
recorrido por los fundamentos “moralizantes” que dan cabida al deber de colaboración de las partes en
el proceso civil para luego sustentar (desde un plano no exento de críticas) las diversas clasificaciones de
las cuales se ha servido la doctrina procesal para intentar fijar teóricamente la incidencia que genera tal
conducta a la hora de juzgar el mérito de los casos. Finalmente, se proyectan algunas situaciones prácticas que ejemplifican la fecunda utilidad y la sentida importancia de la categoría procesal en estudio.
This research determines the implications produced by the procedural conduct of the parties at the level of appreciation (interpretation and assessment) of the body of evidence; thus, a synthetic tour of the “moralizing” foundations that make room for the duty of collaboration of the parties in the civil process is projected to then support (from a level that is not exempt from criticism) the various classifications that the procedural doctrine has used to try to fix theoretically the incidence generated by such behavior when judging the merit of the cases. Finally, some practical situations are projected that exemplify the fruitful usefulness and heartfelt importance of the procedural category under study.
This research determines the implications produced by the procedural conduct of the parties at the level of appreciation (interpretation and assessment) of the body of evidence; thus, a synthetic tour of the “moralizing” foundations that make room for the duty of collaboration of the parties in the civil process is projected to then support (from a level that is not exempt from criticism) the various classifications that the procedural doctrine has used to try to fix theoretically the incidence generated by such behavior when judging the merit of the cases. Finally, some practical situations are projected that exemplify the fruitful usefulness and heartfelt importance of the procedural category under study.
Palabras clave
Tutela judicial efectiva, Debido proceso, Derecho de defensa, Valoración de la prueba, Abuso procesal