Arte y currículum: La Escuela de Artes Plásticas de la Universidad de Costa Rica (1897-2015)
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Sánchez Zumbado, Jimena
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El desarrollo del arte costarricense ha sido inevitablemente influido por la Escuela de Artes Plásticas desde su fundación en 1897, y luego del ingreso de esta al crearse la Universidad de Costa Rica 1940. La gran mayoría de los artistas plásticos del país han pasado por sus aulas, aprendido la técnica, absorbido sus conocimientos. Este documento recorre, a través de 118 años, el devenir histórico y curricular de la Institución de enseñanza del arte más antigua del país.
The development of Costa Rican art has been inevitably influenced by the School of Fine Arts since its founding in 1897, then the income thereof to the Universidad de Costa Rica created 1940. The vast majority of artists in the country have passed through its classrooms, learned the technique, absorbed their knowledge. This paper goes through 118 years, the historical evolution of curriculum and teaching Institution of the country 's oldest art.
The development of Costa Rican art has been inevitably influenced by the School of Fine Arts since its founding in 1897, then the income thereof to the Universidad de Costa Rica created 1940. The vast majority of artists in the country have passed through its classrooms, learned the technique, absorbed their knowledge. This paper goes through 118 years, the historical evolution of curriculum and teaching Institution of the country 's oldest art.
Palabras clave
Historia, Bellas artes, Escuela de Artes Plásticas, Arte, History, Fine arts, Arts