La colección de Entomología Acuática del Museo de Zoología, Universidad de Costa Rica: lista actualizada de géneros, importancia y retos futuros
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Springer Springer, Monika
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Los macroinvertebrados acuáticos, y en especial los insectos, son el grupo de organismos más utilizado para determinar el estado de conservación de los ecosistemas acuáticos en estudios de calidad del agua y biomonitoreo acuático. La colección científica más importante de este grupo en el país se encuentra en el Museo de Zoología de la Universidad de Costa Rica y contiene material proveniente tanto de proyectos de investigación, tesis y trabajos de estudiantes como muestras recolectadas durante estudios y monitoreos ambientales realizados por consultores y diversas instituciones. En este trabajo se presenta un listado actualizado del material depositado, el cual incluye 98 familias y 341 taxones identificados (géneros, tribus o subfamilias) de once órdenes de insectos, siendo Coleoptera y Diptera los órdenes de mayor riqueza taxonómica. Se citan los trabajos que se han generado a partir de revisiones de la colección y los cuales incluyen registros nuevos de especies, géneros y de una familia para el país, así como las descripciones de especies nuevas y asociaciones de estadios inmaduros con sus adultos. Los principales desafíos para esta colección incluyen la identificación taxonómica de ciertos grupos, así como mantenerse al día con el constante crecimiento de la colección y la actualización de su se de datos.
Aquatic macroinvertebrates, and especially insects, are the group of organisms most commonly used to determine the health of ecosystems in water quality studies and freshwater biomonitoring. The most important scientific collection of this group in Costa Rica is located in the Zoological Museum of the University of Costa Rica (MZUCR) and includes material from scientific research, thesis and student projects, as well as samples from environmental studies and aquatic monitoring by consultants and institutions. In this work, an updated list of the collection’s material is presented, which includes 98 families and 341 identified taxa (genera, tribes or subfamilies) from eleven insect orders, with Coleoptera and Diptera as the most taxonomical diverse orders. Studies which resulted from revisions of the collection material are cited, including new species, genera, and family records, as well as descriptions of new species and associations of immature stages with their adults. The main challenges for this collection include the taxonomic identification of certain groups, keeping up with the constant collection growth and updating the associated database.
Aquatic macroinvertebrates, and especially insects, are the group of organisms most commonly used to determine the health of ecosystems in water quality studies and freshwater biomonitoring. The most important scientific collection of this group in Costa Rica is located in the Zoological Museum of the University of Costa Rica (MZUCR) and includes material from scientific research, thesis and student projects, as well as samples from environmental studies and aquatic monitoring by consultants and institutions. In this work, an updated list of the collection’s material is presented, which includes 98 families and 341 identified taxa (genera, tribes or subfamilies) from eleven insect orders, with Coleoptera and Diptera as the most taxonomical diverse orders. Studies which resulted from revisions of the collection material are cited, including new species, genera, and family records, as well as descriptions of new species and associations of immature stages with their adults. The main challenges for this collection include the taxonomic identification of certain groups, keeping up with the constant collection growth and updating the associated database.
Palabras clave
Agua dulce, Insectos acuáticos, Macroinvertebrados, Taxonomía, Inventario, Freshwater, Aquatic insects, Macroinvertebrates, Taxonomy, Inventory