El "éxito" del populismo punitivo en Costa Rica y sus consecuencias
artículo original
Llobet Rodríguez, Javier
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El populismo punitivo ha recibido una gran acogida en Costa Rica, atribuyéndole la problemática de la inseguridad ciudadana a la lenidad del sistema penal y a la defensa que dice que se ha hecho de los derechos de los delincuentes y no de los derechos de las víctimas. Se trata de una corriente que tiene sus bases en el realism o de derecha anglosajón. Reniega de los derechos humanos establecidos para la justicia penal y con ello de garantías como el debido proceso y el respeto de la dignidad humana de los privados de libertad. El “éxito” del populismo punitivo en Costa Rica ha conducido a un aumento vertiginoso de la cantidad de privados de libertad, especialmente a partir de 2010, que ha llevado a problemas de hacinamiento crítico en los centros penales, en contra del principio de dignidad
humana y del Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos. Toda pretensión de tratar de combatir el hacinamiento carcelario no solamente a partir de la reubicación semi-institucional de privados de libertad, previo estudio caso por caso del Ministerio de Justicia, ha encontrado una gran resistencia por parte del populismo punitivo.
Penal populism has received a great reception in Costa Rica, attributing the problem of insecurity to the benevolence of the criminal system and to the defense which says it has made the rights of criminals and not the rights of victims. This trend has it basis in the right of Anglo-Saxon realism. It denies human rights establishe d for criminal justice and guarantees such as due process and respect for the human dignity of prisoners. The "success" of penal populism in Costa Rica has led to a rapid increase in the number of prisoners, especially since 2010, which has led to problems of critical overcrowding in prisons, against the principle of human dignity and the International Law of Human Rights. All pretense of trying to combat prison overcrowding not only from the semi-institutional relocation of prisoners, prior to a previous study by the Ministry of Justice, has found strong resistance by the penal populism.
Penal populism has received a great reception in Costa Rica, attributing the problem of insecurity to the benevolence of the criminal system and to the defense which says it has made the rights of criminals and not the rights of victims. This trend has it basis in the right of Anglo-Saxon realism. It denies human rights establishe d for criminal justice and guarantees such as due process and respect for the human dignity of prisoners. The "success" of penal populism in Costa Rica has led to a rapid increase in the number of prisoners, especially since 2010, which has led to problems of critical overcrowding in prisons, against the principle of human dignity and the International Law of Human Rights. All pretense of trying to combat prison overcrowding not only from the semi-institutional relocation of prisoners, prior to a previous study by the Ministry of Justice, has found strong resistance by the penal populism.
Palabras clave
Populismo punitivo, Derechos humanos, Dignidad humana, Presos por cien mil habitantes, Hacinamiento carcelario, Penal populism, Human rights, Human dignity, Prisoners per hundred thousand inhabitants, Prison overcrowding, 324.273 277 286 Partidos populistas y progresistas