Mujeres superando la brecha digital de género en Costa Rica Accesos, apropiaciones y transformación de la vida cotidiana en diálogo con las tecnologías
contribución de congreso
Martínez Toledo, Yanet
Murillo González, Amanda
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Esta ponencia tiene como objetivo analizar las diferencias en los usos de las
TIC con fines educativos, laborales, de participación política y para el desarrollo de
emprendimientos, según sexo en Costa Rica; con el fin de identificar estrategias para la
reducción de la BDG (MICITT, 2017).
El enfoque es cualitativo. Se generarán tipologías de usos: “intensivo, moderado,
bajo” (Castaño, Fernández, Vázquez, 2008; Navarrete, 2011). Este criterio de usos se
sumará al geográfico para generar grupos de mujeres con los que se trabajará en la
fase cualitativa. A partir de esta tipología se analizarán las estrategias que siguen los
distintos grupos de mujeres para superar la BDG en clave individual y colectiva
(MICITT, 2017).
Se realiza una descripción de los perfiles de usuarias de TIC atendiendo a lo que ellas
describen como sus usos de internet, tanto a nivel educativo, profesional y de
participación política, desde una perspectiva interseccional (Crenshaw, 1991). Y se
analizan las estrategias de superación en sus experiencias profesionales y en su vida
The objective of this presentation is to analyze the differences in the uses of ICTs for educational, labor, political participation and for the development of enterprises, according to sex in Costa Rica; in order to identify strategies for reducing BDG (MICITT, 2017) The approach is qualitative. Typologies of uses will be generated: "intensive, moderate, low" (Castaño, Fernández, Vázquez, 2008; Navarrete, 2011). This criterion of uses will be added to the geographical one to generate groups of women with whom we will work in the qualitative phase. Based on this typology, the strategies followed by different groups of women to overcome BDG individually and collectively will be analyzed (MICITT, 2017). A description of the profiles of ICT users is made according to what they describe as their uses of the Internet, both at an educational, professional and political participation level, from an intersectional perspective (Crenshaw, 1991). And the strategies of improvement in their professional experiences and in their daily life are analyzed.
The objective of this presentation is to analyze the differences in the uses of ICTs for educational, labor, political participation and for the development of enterprises, according to sex in Costa Rica; in order to identify strategies for reducing BDG (MICITT, 2017) The approach is qualitative. Typologies of uses will be generated: "intensive, moderate, low" (Castaño, Fernández, Vázquez, 2008; Navarrete, 2011). This criterion of uses will be added to the geographical one to generate groups of women with whom we will work in the qualitative phase. Based on this typology, the strategies followed by different groups of women to overcome BDG individually and collectively will be analyzed (MICITT, 2017). A description of the profiles of ICT users is made according to what they describe as their uses of the Internet, both at an educational, professional and political participation level, from an intersectional perspective (Crenshaw, 1991). And the strategies of improvement in their professional experiences and in their daily life are analyzed.
Palabras clave
Brecha digital de género, Mujeres, Apropiación y acceso a las tecnologías de la información y comunicación, Gender Digital Gap, Women, TIC’s uses and appropriation