La importancia del agua en la crianza de remplazos de lechería
artículo original
Monge Rojas, Cynthia Rebeca
Elizondo Salazar, Jorge Alberto
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El agua, además de ser indispensable para la vida, es el nutriente esencial más importante en el ganado de leche, representa la mayoría de peso vivo del animal, y es el medio en el cual se llevan a cabo todas las reacciones químicas del organismo. Una cantidad importante de agua es necesaria para la fermentación, el metabolismo, la digestión y la absorción de nutrientes, así como la excreción de productos de desecho. La cantidad y disponibilidad de agua para los animales es de vital importancia ya que, limitar o restringir el agua de buena calidad a las terneras puede influir negativamente sobre su desarrollo y salud. Muchos factores pueden influenciar el consumo de agua entre los que se encuentran el consumo de materia seca, el estado fisiológico del animal, la temperatura ambiental y el consumo de minerales. Asimismo, se ha demostrado que el consumo de alimento pre iniciador en terneras puede incrementar significativamente cuando los animales tienen acceso al agua. El presente trabajo tiene la finalidad de hacer una breve reseña sobre la importancia y las funciones del agua en los remplazos de lechería.
Water, besides being indispensable for life, is the most essential nutrient in the diets of dairy cattle. It makes up the majority of a young animal ́s bodyweight and it is the medium in which all chemical reactions take place within the body. An important amount of water is needed for fermentation, metabolism, digestion and absorption of nutrients as well as excretion of waste products. The amount and availability of water for the animals is very important, since limiting or restricting good quality water to calves may adversely affect the development and health of the animal. Many factors can influence water consumption including dry matter intake, physiological state of the animal, environmental temperature and mineral intake. It has also been shown that pre starter feed consumption increases significantly in animals with access to water. The aim of this article is to give a brief overview of the importance and functions of water in dairy replacements.
Water, besides being indispensable for life, is the most essential nutrient in the diets of dairy cattle. It makes up the majority of a young animal ́s bodyweight and it is the medium in which all chemical reactions take place within the body. An important amount of water is needed for fermentation, metabolism, digestion and absorption of nutrients as well as excretion of waste products. The amount and availability of water for the animals is very important, since limiting or restricting good quality water to calves may adversely affect the development and health of the animal. Many factors can influence water consumption including dry matter intake, physiological state of the animal, environmental temperature and mineral intake. It has also been shown that pre starter feed consumption increases significantly in animals with access to water. The aim of this article is to give a brief overview of the importance and functions of water in dairy replacements.
Palabras clave
Terneras, Remplazos de lechería, Ganado de leche, Agua, Consumo, Nutrientes