Manual de asesoría notarial en derecho bancario financiero costarricense como alternativa práctico-instrumental de solución a la carencia de conocimientos especializados en la temática entre los profesionales en notariado
tesis de maestría
Joseph Pereira, Karolyn Karen
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El presente trabajo trata sobre el derecho bancario financiero como la rama específica del derecho que se avoca al análisis y desarrollo del funcionamiento de la banca y los entes financieros, así como su actividad, por estar muy relacionada con el dinero y el giro comercial efectivo, requiere el servicio de los notarios públicos, mismos que tienen como obligación efectuar una asesoría que contemple no solo la parte normativa en sí misma, sino que adicionalmente la terminología propia de las contrataciones, y es en este punto que el notario requiere conocimiento especializado en el tema por la relevancia nacional que tiene.
La actualidad revela que la malla curricular es ayuna al conocimiento especializado en la temática entre los profesionales en notariado y en particular acerca del cumplimiento correcto de la asesoría en la correcta formación legal de las voluntades, que sea imparcial y efectiva.
La carencia de esta asesoría revela además que el ejercicio de la defensa del consumidor financiero se ve disminuida y en muchos casos atropellada. Generándose con ello una sobre carga en los juzgados de cobro y en los juzgados contenciosos para lograr anular cláusulas que son abusivas y anulables, mismas que no debieron incorporarse al instrumento público e inscribirse en tales condiciones.
The present work purveys about financial banking law as the specific branch of law that is dedicated to the analysis and development of the functioning of banking and financial entities, as well as their activity, as it is closely related to money and effective commercial activity, that requires the service of public notaries, who have the obligation to provide advice that includes not only the normative aspect in itself, but also the terminology of the contracts, and it is in this condition that the notary requires specialized knowledge of the topic due to its national relevance. The current situation reveals that the curriculum lacks specialized knowledge on the subject among notarial professionals and, in particular, about the correct fulfillment of the advice duty on the correct legal formation of will, which must be impartial and effective. The lack of this advice also reveals that the exercise of financial consumer defense is diminished and, in many cases, overwhelmed. This generates an overload of lawsuits in financial courts and in contentious courts, to cancel clauses that are abusive and voidable, which should not have been incorporated into the public instrument and registered under such conditions.
The present work purveys about financial banking law as the specific branch of law that is dedicated to the analysis and development of the functioning of banking and financial entities, as well as their activity, as it is closely related to money and effective commercial activity, that requires the service of public notaries, who have the obligation to provide advice that includes not only the normative aspect in itself, but also the terminology of the contracts, and it is in this condition that the notary requires specialized knowledge of the topic due to its national relevance. The current situation reveals that the curriculum lacks specialized knowledge on the subject among notarial professionals and, in particular, about the correct fulfillment of the advice duty on the correct legal formation of will, which must be impartial and effective. The lack of this advice also reveals that the exercise of financial consumer defense is diminished and, in many cases, overwhelmed. This generates an overload of lawsuits in financial courts and in contentious courts, to cancel clauses that are abusive and voidable, which should not have been incorporated into the public instrument and registered under such conditions.
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