Contenido total y disponibilidad de nutrimentos en dos muestras de cenizas expulsadas en enero del 2010 por el volcán Turrialba, Costa Rica
2011-02-07 00:00:00
artículo original
Méndez Fernández, Juan Carlos
Bertsch Hernández, Floria
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En enero del 2010 y a una distancia aproximada de 10 km del cráter principal se recolectaron 2 muestras de cenizas recién expulsadas por el Volcán Turrialba, Costa Rica, con el objetivo de analizar el contenido total y el porcentaje disponible de los elementos en el corto plazo. Para analizar las cantidades totales, las muestras se digirieron con HNO3 al 70% y los elementos se determinaron por Espectroscopía de Emisión Atómica con Plasma (ICP), mientras que para determinar la cantidad de elementos ?disponibles en forma inmediata? se realizó una extracción con las soluciones KCl y Olsen Modificada. Además, para estudiar la solubilidad de las cenizas en agua, se sometió la muestra 1, a soluciones con 3 distintos pH (4, 5,5 y 6,7) y a 4 tiempos de agitación (0, 0,5, 4 y 24 h) con 3 repeticiones en cada caso. Después de la agitación se determinó la conductividad eléctrica así como el pH en la solución y se analizaron los elementos disueltos por medio del ICP. Los contenidos totales promedio presentes en las cenizas fueron, de mayor a menor cantidad, Fe (13 300), Ca (8700), Mg (2300), K (750), S (700), P (450), Mn (79), Zn (38), Cu (33) y B (31) En cuanto a la disponibilidad con la solución extractora, se obtuvo que sólo un 0,2% del contenido total de Fe se presentó en forma disponible; para los demás elementos los porcentajes correspondieron a: 8-11% para Ca, 0,5% para Mg, 6-15% para K, 10-13% para S, 2-7% para P, 0-3% para Mn, 2-7% para Zn y 0-3% para Cu. En los análisis de solubilidad en agua no se detectó presencia de P, Zn, Cu y Mn a ningún pH de agua ni tiempo de agitación. Para los restantes elementos, excepto el K que no mostró una tendencia definida, se observaron aumentos significativos en la cantidad disuelta en agua al aumentar el tiempo de agitación a los 3 pH iniciales. Además se observó un efecto ?buffer? por parte de la ceniza al disolverse, ya que, sin importar el pH inicial que tuviera el agua, todos las condiciones tendieron a llevar el pH de la solución a valores cercanos a 6,7.
In January 2010, at a distance of approximately 10 km from the main crater, 2 samples of ashes ejected by the Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica, were collected with the objective of analizing their total content of elements, and the percentage available in the short time. To analyze the total amount of elements, both samples were digested with HNO3 (70%), and the elements were determined by Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Plasma (ICP), while and to determine the amount of “immediately available” elements in the samples, KCl (1N) and Modified Olsen extractants were used. Moreover, to study the ashes' solubility in water, sample 1 was dissolved at 3 different pH (4, 5.5 and 6.7), and with 4 agitation times (0, 0.5, 4 and 24 h), with 3 repetitions in each case. After each agitation time the Electrical Conductivity and the pH of the resulting solution were determined, and the amount of elements dissolved in the solution was analyzed by ICP. The total average contents present in the ashes were, from higher to lower amounts, Fe (13 300), Ca (8700), Mg (2300), K (750), S (700), P (450), Mn (79), Zn (38), Cu (33) and B (31) As to the immediate availability in the extractant solution in relation to total content, Fe was only 0.2% available, and for the rest of the elements the percentages were: 8-11% for Ca, 0.5% for Mg, 6-15% for K, 10-13% for S, 2-7% for P, 0-3% for Mn, 2-7% for Zn, and 0-3% for Cu. In the analyses of water solubility no presence of P, Zn, Cu, or Mn was detected at any initial water pH or agitation time. For the rest of the elements, except for K which showed no defined tendency, significant increases in the amount dissolved in water were shown with increases in agitation time at the 3 different initial pH of water. Also, the dissolved ash showed a “buffer” effect since, regardless of the initial water pH, the solution pH increased to around 6.7 under all conditions.
In January 2010, at a distance of approximately 10 km from the main crater, 2 samples of ashes ejected by the Turrialba Volcano, Costa Rica, were collected with the objective of analizing their total content of elements, and the percentage available in the short time. To analyze the total amount of elements, both samples were digested with HNO3 (70%), and the elements were determined by Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Plasma (ICP), while and to determine the amount of “immediately available” elements in the samples, KCl (1N) and Modified Olsen extractants were used. Moreover, to study the ashes' solubility in water, sample 1 was dissolved at 3 different pH (4, 5.5 and 6.7), and with 4 agitation times (0, 0.5, 4 and 24 h), with 3 repetitions in each case. After each agitation time the Electrical Conductivity and the pH of the resulting solution were determined, and the amount of elements dissolved in the solution was analyzed by ICP. The total average contents present in the ashes were, from higher to lower amounts, Fe (13 300), Ca (8700), Mg (2300), K (750), S (700), P (450), Mn (79), Zn (38), Cu (33) and B (31) As to the immediate availability in the extractant solution in relation to total content, Fe was only 0.2% available, and for the rest of the elements the percentages were: 8-11% for Ca, 0.5% for Mg, 6-15% for K, 10-13% for S, 2-7% for P, 0-3% for Mn, 2-7% for Zn, and 0-3% for Cu. In the analyses of water solubility no presence of P, Zn, Cu, or Mn was detected at any initial water pH or agitation time. For the rest of the elements, except for K which showed no defined tendency, significant increases in the amount dissolved in water were shown with increases in agitation time at the 3 different initial pH of water. Also, the dissolved ash showed a “buffer” effect since, regardless of the initial water pH, the solution pH increased to around 6.7 under all conditions.
Palabras clave
Cenizas volcánicas, Solubilidad, Volcán Turrialba, Disponibilidad de nutrientes, Andisoles, Volcanic ashes, Solubility, Turrialba Volcano, Nutrient availability, Andisols